Chapter 7

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Luna's POV...

I woke up with a headache it was 8:30 p.m. I couldn't stay in bed because I needed to see if Dakota was okay.
As I was getting dressed the door opened behind me. I turned around immediately and tried to cover myself. "Hey! Don't you know how to knock?!" I asked. Dakota didn't say anything he just laughed. He had a bottle of wine and two cups. He was also shirtless.
"I was right you do have a sexy ass body." He said still checking me out.
"Get out!" I said gritting my teeth.
"Why? It's nothing I haven't seen before." He said setting down the cups and wine.
"Ugh!" I said turning around and putting on my shirt as fast as possible.
Dakota came behind me and wrapped his arm around me. I took his arm and twisted it behind his back.
He hissed in pain. "Hey pretty lady?" He asked.
"What?" I said pushing him towards the door and keeping his hand behind his back twisted.
"Do you think you can let me go please?" He asked still hissing.
"You should know not to touch me." I said twisting it harder. He hissed louder.
"Okay, okay! I'll stop! Let go please!" He asked.
I let go. He began to shake his arm trying to stop the pain.
"You are something." He said smiling.
"Don't mess with me." I said sitting down.
As Dakota was going to say something Beck knocked and opened the door. He saw Dakota shirtless and me sitting on the bed.
"Oh? Did I interrupt something?" He asked about to walk out and shut the door.
"No." I said.
"Yes." Dakota said right after.
"Well then I just wanted to let you both know that I'm going to visit an old friend so I'll be gone for a couple days." He said.
"Alright thank you for sharing." Dakota said. Beck nodded and waved then shut the door.
Dakota turned to me and picked me up onto my feet. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I thought I told you not to touch me." I said frustrated.
He leaned closer like he was about to kiss me.
I moved back. I had to lie, this couldn't happen I don't want it to happen. "If there is something you should know is that..that I don't like men." He stopped.
"You are into women?" He asked.
"Yes." I said. I didn't want anything happening between us because he's just a player and I can't risk him playing me. I remember exactly who he is and he didn't even bother to remember my face.
"And if I brought one of my special friends?" He asked.
"Never going to happen. I'm not into that stuff." I stated.
"Fine, fine." He said letting me go. "Do you drink? Or can you not handle it?" He asked laughing.
"Oh please, I can drink and drink and still have control over myself unlike you." He lifted both eyebrows.
"Naw! Really?" He asked. "How bout you prove that to me pretty lady that isn't into men." He said challenging me.
I rolled my eyes, "Okay but you're the one that's gonna lose." I said folding my arms.
"Okay if I lose you owe me nothing for saving you. If I win you even though you don't like men will give me a night." He said.
"First off I didn't ask for you to rescue me. Second of all you've got yourself a deal." He smiled.
We went downstairs and took out all the tequila bottles out. We began to take shots and more shots. I was on my twenty fifth shot in seven minutes. We talked while taking shots. I because I had all control over myself didn't feel fuzzy. Dakota on the other hand was having trouble picking up the cup. He was so drunk and I was fine. He couldn't even stay awake anymore.
"Luna? You drunk yet?" He asked moving his head from side to side while resting his head I his forearm.
"Nope! You lost buddy." I said laughing. He groaned a little.
"Can you tell me why you became an assistant and not a supermodel or something?" He asked.
"I'm not an assistant. I'm a bodyguard. My name isn't Luna Anderson it's Luna Cullen. I took my mother's last name because you didn't know my mother's last name. It made it easier for me to be unrecognized. You and I were best friends when we were younger. We made love to each other and took each other's virginity. You and I were separated. You were sent to a school where they taught you to be a regular teenager where they showed you that doing drugs and sex at your age was bad. I found out I was pregnant. I had the baby and got him taken from me. I'm still looking for him. Then your father asked for a bodyguard and I found out you were the one I was going to take care of. But your father told me you didn't want one so I hid my identity. And you know what? I still love you but you're a player now and I can't really trust you." I looked at Dakota passed out. I wiped away my tears. "You won't remember this." I said picking him up and helping him into his room.
I payed him down on his bed but he didn't let go of me. "Don't leave me." He said drunk.
"Just go to bed." I said putting the blanket over him.
"How do you forget about someone?" He asked.
"Like who?" I asked.
"A lover that you couldn't let go." He said.
"That's a hard question. I don't know." I replied. He groaned and he still hasn't let go of my hand. "Now let go Kota." His nickname I had for him slipped out of my mouth.
"What did u call me?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter because you will not remember you're drunk." He didn't say anything anymore and he finally let go of my arm. I walked out and left him there to rest.
"Goodnight...Kota..." my eyes began to water.
Pain rushed through my heart. I walked in my room and laid down. "I can't do this anymore."

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