Chapter 24

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Justin was at school while I sat down with Dakota. I held his hand while he slept. He had no idea I was here.
"Luna?" He asked, waking up.
"Yes? Yes, I'm right here." I said holding his hand tighter and scooting closer to him.
"My Luna," he said "Always protecting me." He said smiling.
"Of course." I said.
"They're still trying to kill me." Dakota said.
"I wish I took the bullet." I said.
"Don't say that." He said.
"I'm your bodyguard I'm supposed to take every bullet that hits you. That's why it's called bodyguard!" I said beginning to cry.
"No, no. You're the love of my life and it was right that you didn't take the bullet." He corrected.
"Excuse me but you aren't the bodyguard. My job is extremely dangerous and I'm the one that should be in that bed where you are right now!" I said.
"Don't say that Luna! I would never accept you being in this hospital in pain!" He said.
"You could have died." I said.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you." I said still crying. My phone had began to ring, interrupting me.
I got up and let go of Dakota's hand then answered the phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Luna." Zhavia said.
"Zhavia? Hey, what's up?" I asked. She sounded so sad and devastated.
"I'm getting married in a couple days.." she said beginning to cry.
"With who? Why are you sad?" I asked.
"I'm getting married with the wrong man." She said.
"Um how about we have coffee and you tell me all about it. Meet me at the cafe." I said. I hung up the phone then turned around to face Dakota.
"What happened?" He asked with a yawn.
"Dakota I'm going to leave for about an hour. I'll be back to come take care of you. I have to go talk to Zhavia she sounded so sad." I said.
"Okay be safe. I love you." He said again.
"I love you." I said back kissing him.
I walked out of the room and drove off to the cafe.
I sat there waiting for Zhavia to walk in. I was beginning to think that she wasn't going to come. She walked in with really glossy eyes.
"Zhavia? What's wrong?" I asked getting up and the sitting back down with her.
"I'm getting married to the wrong man." She said starting to cry all over again.
"Who?" I asked.
"My ex husband; Jon Williams." She said sobbing.

"I don't understand

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"I don't understand. Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"My daughter. My little girl wants me too and if I don't she'll hate me." Zhavia cried harder "I don't want her to hate me Luna. I don't want her to hate me." She said sobbing.
"My goodness Zhavia you're in a bad situation. I'm sorry." I said playing with my fingers.
"I wanted to invite you and Dakota to m-my wedding." She said crying harder.
"Zhavia I'll be there definitely but um I don't think this is right." I stated. She got up and wiped away some of her tears.
"I know but I have to go." She gave me a hug and walked away still crying and wiping away her tears.
I got in the car and drove home. When I got home I opened the door to find Dakota with a dog.
"Who's this?" I asked bending down and petting him.

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