Chapter 30

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Luna's POV...

"I hate how that idiot was staring at you!" Dakota growled. I pressed my lips together and stayed quiet. "I mean, did you not see all that lust he had for you?! It was the most noticeable thing on this planet!" He said gritting is teeth. He clenched his jaw and tried to take a deep breath and calm down. He failed to calm down because he looked like he was about to kill the man.
"Hey, if it makes you feel better, I only have room for you in my heart. No one else." I said.
Dakota cupped my face with both his hands. He looked deeply into my eyes making me feel like I'm in some sort of alternate universe. He bend down to kiss me only to feel fireworks everywhere around me. He pulled away and then chuckled.
"I feel better after that." He said smiling. I giggled. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked.
"Red wine, please." I said.
"Okay I'll be right back." He said winking.
He left me alone making me feel uncomfortable.
"Luna." I turned around to Beck, Dakota's father. He gave me a giant smile.
"Beck? What can I help you with?" I asked.
"Where is my son?" He asked.
"He went to go get us a drink." I said.
"Oh. You two staying for the dinner?" He asked.
"I suppose." I said.
"Here you go gorgeous." Dakota said handing me a wine glass.
"Thank you." I said taking a sip.
"Father? What do you want?" He asked.
"I was just making small talk and asking if you would be staying for the dinner." He said.
"Yes we will be staying for that." Dakota said.
"Splendid." Beck said. He excused himself and went back to his "friend" I guess.
"My Dad is planning something." Dakota whispered.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"He's being weird and asked us if we were staying for dinner. Then right when I leave he begins to speak with you out of nowhere." He said watching Beck.
I took a sip of my wine and wrapped my arm around his.


It was time for the dinner. There was a long table that looked like it was stolen from a Disney movie. I was eating peacefully and speaking with Dakota the entire time until I saw that Aiden guy staring at me. He made me feel uncomfortable so I tried to stay focused on Dakota.
Unfortunately the entire time I couldn't be distracted. I kept looking up at him and catching him watching me.
"What's wrong?" Dakota asked putting his hand over mine.
"Nothing." I said jumping.
"Luna?" He asked lifting an eyebrow. I got close to his ear and told him what was going on.
Dakota's expression turned from delighted to dark. He looked at Aiden, who was talking to Beck. I swear he was going to do something stupid.
"I'm going to kill the son of a bitch!" He growled.
"No. Not here. Calm down." I said.
"I will not let him make you feel uncomfortable and out of it when you are supposed to be happy and concentrating on me." He said.
"Calm yourself, it's just jealously and that jealousy can take you down a path you will not want to go." I whispered, clenching my jaw. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"Okay fine. I'll calm down." He said holding my hand. I kissed his cheek which seemed to calm him a little.


It was the end of the dinner. Beck came up to us and stole Dakota for a minute. I stood there waiting for him.
Aiden approached me and when he did I tried to avoid him. When I was about to get away he stopped me.
"Hello gorgeous." He said. I turned around and gave him a small smile.
"Hello and goodbye." I said turning back around. He grabbed my arm and prevented me from running away.
"Why are you in such a rush?" He asked pulling me close. I somehow got out of his arms and took a step back for some distance.
I looked around for Dakota only to see that he had disappeared. I looked around feeling panicked. I hated this feeling. I have never been scared of anyone.
"Don't be so mean." He said walking closer. I stepped backwards trying to get away from him. He, once again, pulled me back into his arms.
"Let go!" I said struggling to get out.
"Don't fight me. Soon you'll learn to be a good girl and listen." He growled. I slapped him across the face making him react quickly. His hand connected with my face and knocked me out.

Dakota's POV...

"Dad, I really need to get back to Luna. I left her alone." I said walking away.
"But son don't you want to talk this out? I don't want to have a bad relationship with you." He said.
"Maybe another time dad." I said. I walked back to where I left Luna. I looked everywhere. I haven't found her. I began to freak out.
"Luna?! Luna?! Luna, where are you?!" My heart was pounding a million times a minute.
"Son, what is going on?" My dad asked approaching me.
"Where's Luna?" I asked.
"Is she back into the car?" He asked. I ran out to the car to find it empty. I checked the restrooms and still nothing.
My gut told me something has gone wrong.

Luna's POV...

I woke up on a bed that wasn't mine. It was a comfortable and expensive bed that I certainly did not own. I started to examine my environment. It was a big room colored with white and gold. It smelt like cinnamon.
I'm in somebody else's home. The home of Dakota and I smells like vanilla, not cinnamon. I began to feel cold. I looked down at my body and found that I was undressed. I got out of the bed and began to look for my dress.
The door opened making me run back to the bed. Aiden walked in making me grab the sheets and hug them.
"Good morning my love." He said chuckling.
"I'm not your love. And who undressed me and left me in my undergarments?!" I asked.
"That's an easy question," he said walking up to me then crawling on the bed towards me, "I did." He said close to my face. I scooted back from him.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Are you scared?" He asked.
"No. Did you expect me to be intimidated by you?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"You looked scared when I walked in." He said with a one sided smirk.
"That's because this isn't my home and Dakota isn't here! And I'm in my bra and underwear! You are a complete stranger! Obviously I would feel uncomfortable with you seeing me. You aren't Dakota!" I said feeling angry.
"Don't raise your voice at me baby girl." He said with a low growl.
"I do what I want. Where is my dress?!" I asked.
"Don't worry I ordered new clothing just for you." He said, giving me a smile.
"I don't want new clothes. I want the dress you took me out of and then go home!" I yelled.
"Don't raise your voice!" He yelled back. I shut my mouth. I felt myself breaking down inside of me.
My eyes got glossy but I pushed the tears back, not wanting him to see me cry. I looked down and tried to ignore him. For a moment nothing was happening until I felt his hand cup my chin. He forced me to look up at him. I felt hatred fill my body.
"Don't look at me like that. I promise I will make you feel like a queen, when living here." He said looking straight through me. He came closer and tried to kiss me. I turned my head making him to kiss my cheek instead. "One day you will kiss me. You will learn to love me too and learn to forget about Dakota Grey." He whispered taking a piece of my hair and tucking it behind my ear.
"I will never love a monster like you." I said.
"I have a feeling you will." He said, giving me a one sided smirk.
"You don't know me." I said. He chuckled.
"My love, of course I do." He said.
"No you don't, we just met." I replied.
"So many things you need to learn." He said playing with my hair.
"Get your hands off me!" I said pushing them back. He gave me a devilish smile and got on top of me.
"You don't disrespect your future husband! You will be a good girl and listen to everything I say! Is that clear?!" He growled. I kept my mouth shut and didn't dare to look at him. He grabbed my face with his hands and forcefully kissed me.
He pulled away and then left, licking and rubbing his lips. I left the bed and went to the corner. I curled up in a ball and thought of Justin and Dakota then fell asleep again.

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