Chapter 23

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One Month Later...

It was the day of my wedding! I was so happy, so happy I was marrying the love of my life, and so happy that we have our son here with us. I had my makeup done beautifully and since I hate dresses I didn't exactly wear a dress.

I wore something much more comfortable for me

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I wore something much more comfortable for me. It was still cute and I'm not complaining.
The door opened and Zhavia walked in. She squealed in excitement.
"OMG!! You look so beautiful!" She said.
"Thank you." I said back.
"Can I ask you something though?" She asked examining my choice of dress.
"Sure, what's up?" I asked.
"Why didn't you pick a dress that you know is a full dress?" She asked.
"Oh because I dislike wearing dresses. This is way more comfortable than wearing a dress and besides if there is something wrong and I can fight easily." I explained.
"I guess that makes sense." She said with a smile.
"My goodness though you are one of the most beautiful brides in the world. I love how the dress hugs you. It looks so good and fit." She said.
"Thank you. I'm nervous though." I said.
"Don't be, you will do fantastic!" She said giving me a hug.
"I hope so." I said hugging her back.
"Well I'm going to go take a seat because I can't leave Cora unprotected. Good luck." She said walking out and leaving me in piece to think. I took a deep breath and shook the nerves away.
The door opened again revealing my father and mother.
"What do you want?" I asked.
" look so beautiful." My father said putting his hands on my arms. I took his hands and pushed them back to him.
"I don't remember inviting you." I said.
"Luna don't be like that. We're still your parents." My mother said.
"Sure didn't feel like it." I said.
"We wouldn't miss your wedding day." My father said.
"Why for the alcohol?" I asked folding my arms.
"Luna please, that's not why." He said.
"Why would you care?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't I?" He asked.
"I'm marrying the man you separated me from." I stated.
"What?" He asked.
"I am and you aren't stopping me." I said.
"I did it for you." He said.
"And on top of that you took my son away from me!" I felt tears begin to form in my eyes.
"It was for your future!" He yelled.
"You have no idea of what it feels to never celebrate his birthday, a Christmas Day! You don't know! You left a hole in my heart until I found him! You will never know and I will never forgive you!" I yelled.
"Let's go find a seat Alec." My mother said. They both left and my heart began to hurt. I didn't want to ruin my makeup and it was hard not to.
I heard the music begin to play. I straightened up and got ready to walk down the aisle.
The church doors opened, I saw Dakota waiting for me at the altar I smiled making him do the same. He was wearing a white tux which was stunning.
I began to walk towards him it was like a dream. My son had a big smile on his face as I walked closer and closer to my future.
As I got there Dakota took my hand and kissed it. "You look beautiful." He whispered. I smiled at him then looked at the priest to pay attention.


"The rings please." The priest said. Justin ran down to us and gave them to the priest who put holy water all over them.
"Luna Cullen? Do you accept Dakota Grey to be your lawfully, wedded husband, in sickness and in health and for as long as you both shall live?" He asked.
"I do." I said gazing into Dakota's eyes then putting the ring on his finger.
"And do you, Dakota Grey accept Luna Cullen to be your lawfully, wedded wife, in sickness and in health and for as long as you both shall live?" He asked.
"I d-" Dakota was cut off by a gun shot that hit him in the shoulder.
"Dakota!" I yelled. Dakota was on the floor while everyone else was running out of the church. "Dakota don't shut your eyes! Dakota stay with me! Stay with me! Don't leave me Please Dakota! Somebody call 911!" I yelled.
"Luna.." He was shutting his eyes. I cupped his cheek.
"No Dakota don't you dare close your eyes! They're going to come for you soon hang in there." I said.
"Daddy!" Justin ran over and bent down to Dakota who looked like he was dying.
"Justin go wait outside." I ordered.
"But.." He said.
"Please baby." I asked.
"Okay mommy." He ran outside.
"Luna.." He whispered.
"They're here! Hang in there Dakota!" I said kissing his lips.
"I don't think I'm going to make it." He said.
"Yes you will I promise you will." I said with tears trailing down my face.
"No Luna I don't think I am." He said again.
"Stop it." I said. They came to pick up Dakota and I followed. My heart was hurting and this time I couldn't stop myself from crying. I couldn't lose him. Not again and not in this way. I just got him back.
"Mommy." Justin said running up to me and holding me. I lifted him up and carried him.
"Hey baby. Everything is going to be fine." I said.
"Daddy isn't going to die is he?" He asked crying.
"No, no baby he won't because he loves you and will fight for you." I said. He nodded and began to sob into my neck.
I took him into the ambulance with me and stayed with Dakota as long as I possibly can.


Justin and I waited in the hospital for hours. It seemed like Justin passed out from all the crying. I caressed his hair and waiting more. "Luna Cullen?" The doctor asked.
"Yes that's me. How's my fiancé?" I asked.
"Yes our of danger. He will have to stay here for about a week at most." He said.
"Thank you doctor, Can I go in to see him?." I asked.
"Yes but two at a time." He said. He gave me a smile smile and walked away. I cried a little more. My parents walked in urgently.
"Luna are you alright?" My mother asked.
"Does it look like I am? You are the queen of asking dumb questions!" I said.
"Luna don't treat me like that." She said gritting her teeth.
"I don't respect you or him as my parents!" I said.
"Luna shut your stupid mouth!" My father said literally about to choke me to death.
"Go ahead and touch me see what happens when you do because in the end you'll be the one getting hurt!" I said with my arms crossed.
"Mommy?" Justin came behind me and held me leg.
"Who's this?" My mother asked.
"My son. The one you two took from me!" I said. They were speechless.
"That's impossible He should have been dead!" My father said.
"Shut up! Just shut it and take your shit somewhere else! Don't you see I'm in pain! Just go!" I said. They both walked away while I looked down to Justin who still had tears.
"Mommy why do they treat you like that?" He asked.
"No reason they just don't have their manners. Don't worry about it okay?" I asked. He nodded.
"Let's go visit daddy." I said.
"Okay." He said.
We walked in to see Dakota sleeping. I sat down and watched him. My eyes got glossy.
"Dakota.." I whispered.
"Daddy?" Justin asked. "Daddy please don't die I love you daddy." Justin put his small hand over Dakota's hand. Dakota has no reaction to it. Justin pulled away until Dakota began to move his hand and hold Justin's.
"Daddy?" Justin asked with hopeful eyes.
"Hey my little champion." He said.
"Daddy!" Justin hugged him. Dakota hissed in pain.
"Oh sorry daddy." Justin said bashfully.
"You're alright champion." He said.
"I was worried about you." I said.
"I bet you were. You were crying Miss Cullen." He said with a smile smile.
"Shut up." I said with a small laugh.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you." I said back.
"I love both of you." Justin said.
"We love you too." Dakota and I said.
I swear I'm going to find whoever did this to him and I'm going to kill him.

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