Chapter 16

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It was time for bed and Dakota seemed uncomfortable. "What?" I asked wanting to know what was up with him. He turned to me and smiled.
"Nothing beautiful." He said.
"You look bothered." I said. He sighed.
"What did you really come here for?" He asked.
"For my one and only love Justin. I said. "And I found him."You had another love?" He asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Oh. You did let me kiss you today which was bad. Means you're a sinner." He said chuckling.
"I guess I am." I said.
"Goodnight my beautiful Luna." He said.
"Night Dakota." I said.


I woke up and found that Dakota was holding me like a teddy bear. I pulled myself away from him and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I came back out to see Dakota in his boxers.
When he saw me he walked up to me and began to kiss me.
"Dakota just because I let you kiss me yesterday doesn't mean that I'll let you whenever you-" he cut me off my kissing me again. I slapped his face extra hard again to snap his ass out of it.
"Baby why do you hurt me like that?" He asked holding his cheek.
"You know not to touch me. I told you. Unless you want me to teach you again." I said.
"No I'm okay." He said.
"Are you going to go with your girlfriend?" I asked.
"Nah I don't feel like it." He said.
"You brought her for what reason?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said. "I'll call her though to see if she wants to do anything." He said taking out his phone and calling her. "Hey babe what would you like to do today?" He asked. "What are you talking about?...oh I see." He hung up the phone and looked at me again.
"What?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"She isn't here. She left back to L.A. because she hated it here and had no business being here and she didn't want you to kill her in a plane. Also she broke up with me because she saw me kissing you." He said rubbing his neck.
"Second time in a row and you still couldn't keep her for more than two days." I said. He chuckled.
"No but I know who I can keep for more than nine years." He said with a smile. My heart began to hurt but I didn't want to show it.
"Oh really? Who's the chick?" I asked.
"You." He said.
"You had me for a day as well." I said lifting an eyebrow.
"No you and I were best friends from kindergarten to sophomore year because of our parents. But technically we were still best friends behind their back therefore you and I have been best friends till this day which is fifteen years." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"I hate you." I said.
"But you love me. I bet you love me more than that Justin dude." He said.
"Never." I said with my arms crossed.
"When did you meat him?" He asked.
"At the age of fifteen going on sixteen." I said. He didn't speak he just nodded and stayed quiet. He didn't look like he wanted to take about this anymore because he looked hurt.
"I'm going to go work out." He said walking around me.


It's been about an hour and a random car with a suspicious looking man pulled up. He was definitely armed. My gut told me he was after Dakota. I went to the back yard where hour personal gym was and saw Dakota with his earbuds in and working his ass off.
When he saw me he stopped and look out his earbuds.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Listen. Someone is here and we need to his quick. I feel like something is wrong." I said. He laughed.
"You aren't a bodyguard anymore and I'm not in that much danger anymore. I haven't been attacked." He said.
"Yes you have I just had to save your ass while you were drunk dumbass." I explained.
"You are paranoid." He said. The all of a sudden I smelt smoke and began to cough.
"Luna are you okay?" He asked.
"Somethings wrong." I said. The out of no where the ceiling began to fall apart and it quickly got full of fire. Dakota and I began to cough uncontrollably.
"Dakota get out of here!" I yelled.
"You're coming with me." He pulled my arm. There was too much smoke and it was hard to breath causing me to feel light headed.
"Dakota leave!" I said.
"No!" As Dakota said that a gigantic metal piece from the ceiling fell on his body and tackled him down. He was stuck. I tried to pull it off and he helped but it wouldn't get off.
"Luna! Leave right now before we both die!" He yelled.
"No Dakota! I will not leave the only person I love!" I yelled straight back.
"What about that Justin dude?" He asked.
"He's a different story! He isn't a lover he's our son!" I yelled.
"What?!" He asked.
"No time to explain I need to get you out of here right now!" I tried my best to get him out but I couldn't.
"Luna. Leave and save your life!" He yelled.
"No! I won't let you die! I love you! I never stopped loving you!" I yelled with a bunch of tears streaming down my face.
I pulled the metal thing off of him and pulled him out. When we got out the gym blew up leaving a complete mess of flames and ash everywhere.
We heard the sirens of a fire truck and saw it pull up along with an ambulance.
They began to shoot the destroyed gym with water. The others helped Dakota and I and gave us more oxygen to breath. We stayed like that till we felt completely fine.
Dakota and I barely looked at each other.
Everyone left and everything seemed better but when I walked upstairs I saw Dakota sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Tell me everything. Luna." He said looking up at me and giving me the cold stare.
"I was pregnant. I had the kid. I named him Justin. My father took him away from me. End of story." I said.
"When were you going to fuckin tell me?!" He asked. He got scary for some reason. He sent shivers down my spine which has never happened before.
"I don't know the answer to that question." I said.
"You're a bitch." He said shaking his head.
"Yeah, and?" I asked crossing my arms.
"You're also impossible." He said. I didn't say anything. My mouth wasn't opening, it was like my lips were sewed together. "You aren't going to talk?" He asked. I was frozen. I didn't like this feeling. It's the feeling of guilt that's killing me inside. I wanted to get rid of it but I couldn't.
"You love me right?" He asked throwing me out of my thoughts.
"No." I said.
"You just confessed that you did!" He said. "I can't believe you right now." He said. I decided to keep my mouth shut. It seemed to get Dakota impatient. He walked up to me and pushed me up against the wall. He had a grip of my wrists kinda hurting me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Talk to me!" He yelled. I flinched because my ears began to hurt because of his loud voice being so close.
"Dakota, let me go!" I yelled.
"Not until you let me help you find our son!" He yelled.
"I already found him!" He shut his mouth for a moment. "Now let me go." I said calmer.
"No." He said. I reversed what he's doing to me so that he would be up against the wall instead of me. He was hissing in pain.
"Do you have to do this every damn time?" He asked.
"Sure if I have to." I responded. "Listen here Mr. Grey, I'm not a toy. I'm not your personal toy either so I suggest you keep your hands of me or I'll make sure I disappear from your life along with MY son. Is that clear?" I asked.
"Our son." He corrected.
"Is that clear?!" I said louder.
"Yes mam!" He said hissing. I let go then all of a sudden he pulled me up against him.
"What the hell did I just say?!" I asked feeling frustrated this this guy. He didn't answer he just looked deeply into my eyes.
He bent down and kissed me. I began to push him away from me and turning my head so he couldn't anymore.
"Is this what you want for the rest of your life, is to push the man you love away and be alone? Because if you want me to say it I will." He said.
"Say What?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"I love you Luna." He said cupping my cheek.
"Good to know." I said. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again. He held me tighter this time so the I wouldn't break free. He was forcing me to kiss him.
I gave up on fighting him. My heart gave in and that's what I was most afraid of. My body took over. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. Suddenly the forced kiss wasn't forced anymore. It was a kiss out of love.
I pulled him to the bed and got on top of him.
This was the night we made love.
I love him.

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