Chapter 12

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I woke up on the couch with my head resting on Dakota's chest. He was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake him so I moved slowly.
"You ruin moments way to many times." He said with his morning voice.
"How did I end up on the couch?" I asked confused.
"We held each other for around ten minutes then it seemed like you fell asleep. I wasn't sleepy so I watched a movie thinking you would wake up at some point but you didn't. I fell asleep and I guess we ended up like this." He said.
I got up and stretched. "In a couple weeks I'm going to go on vacation. And I'm asking you not to come with me." He said. I turned around to him and looking at him like he's insane because he is.
"You're crazy." I said laughing.
"I would like to be alone on this trip. I don't want anyone to bother me because everyone bothers me. You know except the ladies." He said winking. I looked at him and my blood began to boil.
"Yeah then you're going to go and have fun with countless of them right?" I asked.
"Of course." He said with that playboy attitude he had a few days ago.
"Then find out that one of them are going to kill you and have no one to save you." I said lifting an eyebrow and folding my arms.
"That won't happen." He said.
"And what if it does?" I asked.
"It won't." I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'm going to go shower." I said.
"You do that. Oh and this is last minute but find a dress of elegance because I'm throwing a party for my friend Liam who just took over his father's company." I shook my head.
"That's valuable information." I said walking up the stairs.


I just got back from the store and bought a cute outfit that wasn't a dress whatsoever.

It was time for the party now so I got dressed into the outfit I bought and walked downstairs

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It was time for the party now so I got dressed into the outfit I bought and walked downstairs.
"What are you wearing?" Dakota asked lifting an eyebrow.
"A cute ass outfit." I said.
"I thought I told you to put on a dress." He said.
"And I decided to make the right decision and chose something better." I said smiling.
"Whatever." He said. A girl approached us and then grabbed Dakota's arm.
"Hey baby." She said turning him around and kissing him.


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"Hey." He said right back. "Baby, would you be a doll and fetch me a drink?" I asked.
"Sure baby." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"First of all, what the hell is she wearing? Second of all, who is she?" I asked.
"To answer your first question; something sexy as fuck. To answer your second question; my new girlfriend, Blair." He said smiling.
"Girlfriend? How did I not know about this?" I asked.
"Do I sense jealousy in you Luna?" He asked smiling.
"Me? Jealous of that thing? Oh please you'll have to at least pick someone decent." I said laughing.
"You don't know what you're talking about. She's a supermodel!" He said surprised and thinking that I wasn't the slightest of jealous. The truth is my blood was boiling with jealousy. I couldn't stand her or her being around him and being all over him.
"I'm back baby!" She said kissing his cheek again.
"Thank you lovely. Let's go talk to some other people." Dakota said talking his arm out for her to grab it. She held his arm and walked away with her. My soul was crying but I didn't let it get to me.


I watched Dakota everywhere he went and everything he's doing. He grabbed Blair's ass and bit his lip. I rolled my eyes and stood there not doing anything.
"Luna. Would you like a drink?" Beck asked handing me a drink. I slowly took it out of his hand and drank some of it. "So, you've met Blair. I don't like her." He said.
"And why is that sir?" I asked.
"She just doesn't look worthy of my son." He said.
"Oh really?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Really." He said. I began to feel dizzy for some reason. I almost fell until I held myself up by leaning on the table.
"Luna are you okay?" Beck asked.
"Yeah..I'm fine." I said holding my head.
"I'll put you to bed." I couldn't fight with him right now so I let him. Everything was spinning. He laid me down and I fell asleep.

Dakota's POV...

I looked to see if Luna was still watching until I saw my father help her up the stairs. She didn't look good. "Hey will you excuse me real quick?" I asked Blair.
"Yes of course." She said with a giant smile.
I ran upstairs and walked into Luna's room. Then I saw the worst thing I could have ever seen in my entire life. My father was ripping Luna's cloths off. She wasn't able to do anything because she looked so out of it.
"Get off of her you son of a bitch!" I grabbed him and threw him off the bed.
"Dakota?! What are you doing in here?!" He asked angrily.
"Came to check on my bodyguard who suddenly looked dead." I explained.
"She's fine." He said breathing hard.
"You drugged her didn't you?!" I asked.
"Why don't you go to your new girlfriend and stay out of this?" He asked.
"How can I stay out of it if she's everything to me?!" I asked.
"If she's everything to you then why treat her the way you do? I can make her feel like a queen! You treat her like trash!" He said. I just got a reality check. He's right, I want her to be mine but I don't treat her they way I should.
"Get the fuck out! I'm going to try to wake her up fully clothed! Get out!" I yelled. He got up and left. Goodness Luna please don't kill me when I wake you up.

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