Chapter 35

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"Will you help me or not?" She asked, folding her arms.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Bella Simmons." She said confidently.
"Okay Bella, What's the plan?" A smile creeped on Bella's face, this either is a mistake or the right thing.

Luna's POV...

"Luna? Princess?" Aiden asked. "Are you listening to me?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"You hardly touched your food and now your starting to space out into some different universe all the time. What's gotten into you?" He asked.
"You." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing. What were you saying?" I asked.
"That I have somewhere to go for the weekend and you're going to be home by yourself for a few weeks." He said making sure I was listening.
"Okay and?" I asked. He clenched his jaw like he was containing himself from saying something stupid. "I'm not five years old." I said.
"I understand that but I'm worried about leaving you by yourself for that long." He said.
"I'll be a good girl." I said rolling my eyes at how stupid that sounded.
"Okay I'll trust you but do not make me regret it." He said. I rolled my eyes again. He didn't say anything about that but he did get up and give me a kiss on my forehead.
"Go do your thing princess." He whispered. I got up and left the table.

Dakota's POV...

"Here." Bella threw me some fresh clothes. "Hope you don't mind that they were my husbands." She said.
"That's fine." I said.
"Okay hurry we have much to discuss." She said walking out.
After I was finished I waited for her to come back downstairs.
"Alright let me tell you everything you need to know. Aiden Monroe and my husband used to be best friends until Aiden betrayed him for more power which lead to his death. In case you don't know, Aiden is a mafia leader he's very dangerous and your sweet love is his wife. It's not going to be easy to get her out of the marriage because she can't leave till death due them apart; it's a mafia thing. Since my husband's death I found myself watching Aiden and his moves to find the right time to attack him but I never found the perfect time. I'm still looking. So, do you know how to use a gun?"
"No." I said.
"Well your training begins today." She said grabbing my wrist and pulling me upstairs.

About one month past...
Luna's POV...

I was starting to feel odd, I was feeling too tired and woozy all the time. Sometimes in the mornings I couldn't even get up from bed.
"Madame? Do you still want me to call a doctor? Or do you want me to wait until the boss arrives?" She asked.
"I don't care just leave me in piece I'm starting to get a head ache." I said holding my head. Honestly I think I'm just sick but I'm not completely sure about that either.
It's been about an hour of silence until Aiden barged in anxiously.
"Luna? Princess are you okay? Come here." He sat down next to me and pulled me in his arms. I didn't have the energy to pull away or react. "What's going on with you?" He asked. I stayed quiet I didn't feel like answering. "Where going to get your a doctor he'll be here at any moment just hang in there." He said acting like I was wounded or something.
"Sir the doctor is here." Makayla said.
"Bring him in." He said.
"Alright what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked barging in.
"She seems to be sick. She doesn't even react to anything. It's like she's completely lifeless." He explained.
"Okay would you mind if I took a look at her while you wait outside?" He asked. Aiden kissed my forehead then gently set me aside.
After the doctor was finished examining me he walked back out to the hallway and began to speak with Aiden.
Aiden walked back in the room and gave me a gigantic smile.
"What?" I whispered, having trouble talking.
"I have some fantastic news beautiful." He said coming up to me and pulling me back into his arms.
"What?" I asked again.
"You're pregnant with my child." He said, holding me tighter. Tears immediately took over my eyesight.
"What?" I asked getting up fast. I wanted to get away from him so bad that I forced myself to get up.
"You didn't even ask if I was on the pill. Did you even wear protection when you raped me?!" I yelled. He walked up to me and held me really tight. He had a dark expression on his face like he was about to kill me.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that or even accuse me of raping you! You're the one who pulled me into it." He said squeezing tighter.
"You know for a man who was excited about the baby, you sure as hell aren't doing a good job of taking care of him." I said, kinda hissing in pain. He loosened his grip but didn't let go of me.
"I'm sorry princess. I don't want to hurt you or our child I have anger issues. Please be patient with me." He said. He put his forehead on mine making me want to punch his face.
"Whatever, can you let go of me now?" I asked.
"Yes I have something to do. You rest." He said. I sat down to think this entire thing over. I'm trying to process everything that was happening to me. I'm carrying Aiden's child inside of me. I was forced to marry him to save Dakota. I already broke Dakota by letting him go. I don't know what this will do to him if he ever found out. He'll probably never let me see Justin, who I miss dearly. I miss my son so much I just wish I could have said something before I disappeared. For all I know he could be hating me for what I've done; him and his father both.
"Madame?" Makayla asked, knocking on the door.
"What?" I asked.
"May I come in?" She asked.
"Sure." I said.
"Madame? The boss said to get you ready for tonight." She said shyly rubbing her arm.
"For what?" I asked.
"He said something about a special celebration." She said. I rolled my eyes. He found out about this like ten minutes ago and now he's already throwing a party about it. He's unbelievable. I'm not happy about this I don't want to celebrate and he's forcing me to celebrate about something that makes me want to kill myself.

Dakota's POV...

"Dakota?" Bella asked.
"Yeah?" I asked back.
"One of my men found out about an important event happening at Aiden's mansion. They are having a party." She said.
"And? If we go they will know who we are." I said.
"Yes that's true but it's going to be like a masquerade ball so everyone will be wearing masks." She said smiling.
"When is this happening?" I asked.
"Tonight. Time to pay a sweet visit to our targets."

Yay! I got another update in! This chapter was all over the place I'm sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️ but more will be coming so the story will continue! See you all in the next chapter! I will talk to you all later!

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