Chapter 2

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I miss Dakota, all I did was cry. I began to feel hunger. I've never felt this kind of hunger before. I went downstairs to find no one. Not that it's a bad thing it was actually a relief not to find anyone here.
I didn't find anything I liked so I poured some cereal into a bowl and ate it. My hunger was no more so I went upstairs and laid down in my bed and wrapped myself in the blankets. I laid there for a few minutes until I remembered that I can write him letters. My parents and his will never know we are still contacting each other that way.

I grabbed paper and a pen and began to write.

Dear Dakota, I miss you, my heart and my soul misses you. When you walked out that door you took my heart with you. You're a thief that stole my heart. I love you Dakota Grey! I don't quite know for sure if I do but right now my heart says so..write back to me ASAP.


Luna Cullen

I walked outside and put it in the mailbox. Now there's nothing I can do but wait. Tomorrow is another day.

Weeks later...

I haven't gotten word from Dakota. I've sent many more letters but it's like he looked at the letters and didn't write back. I feel like I'm just going to give up. It's like he doesn't care about me anymore.
Just thinking about this made me feel sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. After I was done I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth.
I just need to relax..that's it or maybe I got the stomach flu? I don't know but I think it's time for me to go to bed.

Dakota's POV...

I was thinking if I should write to Luna...I don't want to bother her with letters that she would probably throw away. I began to write a letter..

Dear Luna, We are thousands of miles away from each other but you are the reason I wake up in the morning now. Every night look outside and look at the stars. There are countless they are all my love for you. That's how much I love you considering my age but forget about that. I hope I don't freak you out with this letter. I love and miss you Luna.


Dakota Grey

I put this letter in an envelope and put it in the pile where all the mail goes. I really hope she doesn't see me as a creep at this point.

Luna's POV...
One month later...

It's been about a month and nothing. Pain filled my heart. I sat there thinking and shutting out my surroundings.
"Luna?" I snapped out of it when I heard my mom's voice.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Were you throwing up a few minutes ago?" She asked nervously.
"Yes why?" She folded her arms.
"And you aren't the least bit concerned?" She asked lifting both eyebrows.
"Concerned about what?" She rolled her eyes.
"Pregnancy?" My eyes widened.
"Wha-" I was cut off by my father.
"Let's take her to the doctor!" I shook my head in disagreement.
"No I'm fine." My dad didn't care about what I said he grabbed my arm and forcefully dragged me to the hospital.


"Miss Congratulations! You're going to be a parent!" I felt so sick that I ran to the bathroom and threw up again. I felt tears running down my face. I don't want to be a mom I don't want this baby. My mom began to knock on the door. I didn't answer so instead she just walked in on me crying.
"Sweetie it's going to be alright." She said wrapping her arms around me. I pushed them off and got up.
"Don't touch me. I don't want this baby." My mother gasped.
"You aren't going to.." She stopped and I turned my head to her.
"An abortion? I'm not sure.." I said with more tears falling down my face.
"Don't even think about it!" She said gritting her teeth.
"Fine. I'll just put the baby up for adoption." I said, she was more relieved.


We got home and I went upstairs. I wondered if I should tell Kota about he won't care. I bet he doesn't read my letters that I send him.
I'm only fifteen, I should have never said yes to him in the first place. I would have him and I wouldn't have this problem. This is all my fault. I had the ability to say no but because I was stupidly I love with him I went with it.

9 months later...

I felt a strong pain in my stomach. "Mom!" I yelled. She ran in and began to help me and soon I was on my way to the hospital.


"It's a baby boy." The doctor said. I was so out of breath I thought I was going to die. That was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. "Would you like to hold your son miss?" The doctor asked holding the crying baby.
I was hesitant at first but he wouldn't stop crying. I put out my arms and gave him to me gently and in seconds he stopped. I felt myself getting attached to him. This is what I was
afraid of. I didn't want to get attached because then I would never want to let him go.

A few days later...

Today is the day I pick up my son Justin. I couldn't give him up. I'm going to be a mom at fifteen even though I don't feel ready.
I went to the hospital and picked him up. He looked so much like Dakota. I walked out of the hospital and put him in the car seat. I bought things beforehand because I knew I would need them. I got in the passenger seat and put my seat belt on.
"I'm glad you're keeping him sweetie." My mom said with glossy eyes. I gave her a small smile.
"Yeah." I said softly.


It was getting late, I grabbed Justin and put him in the cute little crib that was specially designed for him. "Goodnight my love." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked over to my bed. I yawned and got in. Time for sleep.


It was about 2 in the morning and I heard Justin crying. I got up thinking that it was time to change him or something but I was wrong. It was my dad that was causing it. He was wrapping him in a blanket quickly and not even gently.
"Dad what are you doing?!" I asked.
"You will not be a mother at this age! You have so much ahead of you! Like the company. Who is going to take over when I retire? Huh? This thing will get in the way of your success and I will not let that happen. It's for your own good." With that he left. I went after him.

"Dad put him down!" I yelled. It was rainy outside. He put Justin in the car and drove off. I couldn't catch up to him.
"Dad! Bring him back! Please don't do this!" I fell to my knees. My mom came behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"It's for your own good Luna." I turned around to her.
"You were in this too?!" She looked at me with shameful eyes. "You both are monsters! Stay away from me!" I ran back inside and into my room. I slid down the door and began to sob. This was cruel and unfair, my own parents! What goes through their heads? I don't understand it and I will never understand it and I don't want to!
I lost I lost my son.

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(Also sorry for all the time skips) 😂

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