Chapter 32

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I sat at the table with a painful expression on my face. I had a full plate of breakfast in front of me that is untouched.
"Luna? How about you get out of your head for once and eat something you're gonna get sick." Aiden told me.
"Let me get sick and die it would be better than to sit here with you." I spat. He stood up and walked over to me.
"One day you won't feel like that and you'll want to be with me." He said kissing my cheek.
He took a fork then stabbed a piece of fruit and directed it to my mouth. I just sat there with a blank expression on my face. He put the fork down and watched me.
"Alright I won't force you to eat but tonight we are going to a party. I'll have a dress ready for you. Just go and do your thing but don't even think about escaping." He said. He kissed me but I of course didn't kiss him back. He chuckled as he pulled away. I walked back into his room and stayed in the corner.

Hours went by and I was still alone. I felt like I had no energy and I know it's because of the lack of food that I refuse to put on my body but I don't want this for myself. I stood up and walked around the mansion. I began to look for the dungeon. My goal was to find Dakota and get him out of here. I saw a door that looked different from the others. I opened it and saw stairs that lead further down. I walked down the stairs and saw Dakota in a chair tied up in chains.
"Oh my God. Dakota." I said running up to him and trying to get him out. He looked pale and drained out. His face was bloody and his skin was red.
"Luna?" He asked.
"What happened to you?" I asked.
"He gave me a "proper beating"." He said.
"How do I get you out?" I asked.
"Keys. He has them." He mumbled.
"I'm not leaving you. There might be something in here that I could use to get you out of those chains." I said.
"Now what are you doing princess?" I turned around to see Aiden standing there with two men behind him.
"Let him out! Don't you see that he won't survive like this?!" I asked.
"Oh sweetheart I know. That's why he's down here like that." Aiden said.
"Let him out I'll do anything you want just let him go." I said. He didn't say anything he just looked at me with a blank expression on his face. I got down onto my knees and began to cry down at his feet. "Please let him go. I'll be good and I'll do everything you tell me too. I don't want him to suffer. Please don't make him suffer." I said beginning to sob. I felt his arms pick me up and drag me back upstairs. "No! Please! Dakota! I'll find a way! I promise!" I yelled.
Aiden sat me down on the bed while I just kept on crying.
"Princess stop crying." He demanded. I held my breath trying to stop but I just bursted our crying again. Aiden bent down and cupped my cheek and wiped away my tears with his thumb. "I'll let him go." He said. All of a sudden I calmed down a little bit.
"You will?" I asked.
"Under one condition." He said.
"Name it and I will do it." I said.
"On our wedding day you go down there and tell him that you ran out of love for him and that you finally realized you love me. After that's been down I'll send him home. And I'll make sure your son is with him." He said trying to reassure me. I began to cry again because this would break him and although it's wrong or do what he says it's the only way to get him out of this place.
"Okay. I'll do it. But from now on and forever don't harm him again!" I demanded.
"Good with me princess." He said. "Get ready we leave in a while." He said getting up and leaving me alone. This was the hardest decision I've ever made but it was for him. He may hate me but I'll always love him.


I stood there beside Aiden as he laughed with his friends drinking wine. All I thought about was Dakota. I want to see him, I miss him so much to the point where I feel like I have no fresh air to breath anymore. I was thrown out of my thoughts when I felt Aiden pull me somewhere private.
"Princess I know you aren't happy right now but can you at least put on a smile? Looking gloomy at an event like this doesn't look good on anyone." He said.
"I'm not happy Aiden. You know that." I stated.
"Fake it." He demanded.
"This "happiness" that you and me have that you've been telling your friends all about isn't real. You know I'm miserable and that I'm not happy." I said. His expression turned dark and angry but I see that he was restraining himself.
"Princess please just try." He said gritting his teeth.
"Whatever." I said looking down to the floor.
"You shouldn't be sad. Just look at you. You're
so gorgeous." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the public trying to get away.
I stood at the same spot as I did before Aiden took me somewhere to talk.
I felt Aiden's arm wrap around my waist and pull me as close as he could to him. "So Luna, how did you and Aiden meet?" The man who looked kind of handsome and young asked, I think his name was Michael.
"Well he r-" Aiden cut me off.
"It was love at first sight. She was working as a bodyguard at the time and well she just happened to be taking care of a friend of mine. When we saw each other it was like heaven." He said. He lied straight to their faces and they believed him like complete idiots. How do they not see that I'm not happy? "Isn't that right princess?" He asked.
"Yeah that's exactly what happened." I said putting on a fake smile.
Aiden turned me to him and kissed me. I didn't kiss him back. He had to force me to do so, so he held me so tight to the point where it hurt so I kissed him back so then I wouldn't whimper or anything. He pulled away then got down on one knee. Everyone gasped and spoke among themselves for a little.
"Luna Cullen? Would you do me the greatest honor, make me the happiest man alive and become my wife?"

The story will continue! Thanks for reading! See you next time!

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