Chapter 37

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Dakota's POV...

I pulled away from Bella the minute I heard Luna gasp and fall down to the floor. I just stood there like an idiot until the bastard began screaming her name. I grabbed Bella's arm and dragged her out with me.
As I was driving away, Bella began laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"About how pathetic your "lover" was when she passed out; she's so dramatic." She said, pulling out a mirror to check her makeup. I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment. I'm not going to lie though, I do feel worried about Luna. She looked so weak when I spoke to her and that doesn't happen. I want to believe that, that bastard fucked her up but that can't be because they love each other.

Luna's POV...

"Luna? Luna? Wake up princess, I'm here, everything is going to be okay." Aiden said, I hear him but I don't want to open my eyes. Dakota gave me a taste of my own medicine. I know exactly how he felt when I told him I loved another man. "Quick get her some water!" Aiden demanded. He sounds scared, it almost made me laugh.
I opened my eyes and stared at him. I felt the tears form in my eyes. "Luna? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked.
"Nothing I just got a little woozy. Maybe this party of yours was a bad idea." I said, whispering. I didn't have the energy to speak with a full voice.
"It's alright, I'll go back until it's over, you rest." He said. Aiden kissed my forehead and walked out the door. I turned and grabbed the pillow beside me. I held it as I cried myself to sleep again. Dakota learned to move on quickly. I guess I deserve this for everything that I put him through, but at the same time, I can't stand the fact that another woman is with him.


Next morning...
Dakota's POV...

I sat at the table thinking about Luna. I kept seeing and hearing her fall down in my head. Never have I thought she would react in that kind of way. She looked so weak and broken. Something was going on with her but I'm not sure what.
"What are you thinking about?" Bella asked.
"Nothing." I replied.
"You know what I'm thinking about?" She asked.
"What?" I asked back. Bella got up from her seat and got on top of me. She put her arms around my neck and smiled.
"I'm thinking about that kiss you gave me last night." She said, smirking.
"It was an act I put on to show her what I felt when she left me for that bastard." I explained.
"Can we do it again?" She asked.
"Listen, no offense but, my heart belongs to Luna. I'm only working with you to strike a person, we can't stand, down." I said. She stared at me with an annoyed expression all over her face.
"Right. Whatever. I'm going to shower." She said, getting up and walking away.

Luna's POV...

I sat there at the table picking at my food. I couldn't eat because it made me feel sick and I'm in no mood for eating.
"Luna, angel, you need to eat." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Two reasons; for the baby and for your own well being. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know?" He said, he put his hand over mine. I looked down at his hand and glared a little.
"I'll do it for the baby but not because I care about my well being." I said, looking back up at him. He rolled his eyes, shook his head and chuckled.
"Don't be ridiculous Luna. You're smart enough to know that hurting yourself wouldn't help you." He said. I pulled my hand away from his and put it under my jaw. I stared at my food and didn't move. "Luna you're not going to go anywhere until you eat something." He said.
"I'm my own person, I do what I want." I said. I stood up then he came up to me and forced me back down onto the chair.
"Sit the fuck down and eat something!" He demanded. My breathing was now unsteady. Him standing behind me made me feel kinda frightened but it didn't stop me from defending myself.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I said standing back up. I turned around but it was a mistake to do so, he decided hit me again. The room was silent, I held my face and got away from him. I went into a random room and locked myself in there.
I'm not a punching bag and I never will be. Once again I'm all alone in the world without Dakota and without... my son, without anyone; just me. Dakota is probably treating his new lover like a queen and it breaks my heart to know that it's happening.
I wish it was just him breaking my heart and not him being for real. I wish this was fake and was all part of my stupid imagination but it's not. I wonder how my son is feeling right now. His father isn't with him and neither am I. I know how it feels like to be without a parent. I didn't exactly have mine by my side after what happened with me and Dakota. I was distant and so were they. The last thing I wanted to be for Justin was a distant mother but it's happening.
I looked up to see a window, I ran up to it and tried to open it but it didn't work. I needed to get out of here. I looked around the room for something that can break it.
I saw a baseball bat and swung it at the window completely shattering it. I removed pieces of glass, that could potentially cut me, carefully. I jumped out and began running all over again. I stumbled upon the same woods I did when I escaped the first time. This time I stopped because I got really tired. The last time it was different because I wasn't carrying a baby in me. I sat down behind an tree and tried to catch my breath. Suddenly I began to cry, I'm not sure why it happened, it just did.
My life is being controlled and I have to run all the time. When did my life turn into such a giant mess?
I then heard a gun, I slowly looked up and saw an unknown man pointing a gun at my head.
"Get up." He commanded. I put my hands up and did what he said. He got behind me and put the gun to my back.
"Walk forward." He commanded again. I did what he said and I'm not sure what was going on but I was in the middle of life or death right now so I did exactly what he told me to do.
We walked in front of a black van. He stopped pointing the gun to my back only to grab a handful of my hair and throw my inside the back of the van. I whimpered in pain. I was being kidnapped again except Dakota isn't here to stop it that's the only difference.
I laid there whimpering until the same man grabbed my by the hair again and put something over my mouth.
"Shut the fuck up little bitch!" He demanded. He pressed the cloth down hard. I couldn't really breath. I was consumed by darkness. I'm not sure what's going to happen to me now. Who knows if I'll survive this time.

Hello! Thank you for reading it really means a lot to me! I'll talk to you all in the next one! Thank you! ❤️

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