Chapter 10

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Luna's POV...

It's been a day since Dakota found out about me. I was finishing up packing my things and getting ready to leave. Someone began to knock on my door.
"Come in." I yelled. Beck walked in anxiously.
"Luna?! You're leaving?" He asked.
"It isn't my choice this time. I was dismissed by your son." I explained.
"Don't leave Luna. You've done a great job with taking care of my son." He said.
"Yes She has but I won't let her risk her life for me." Dakota said walking in. I continued to pack again. I couldn't see his face that easily now that he knows who I am.
"It's her job Dakota!" Beck said about to hit him with that cane of his. The old man could barely walk anymore.
"I don't give a damn! I will not let her die for me. I love her!" Dakota yelled back. Beck shut his mouth.
"How do you still love her? Whatever happened between you two was years ago! You need to find yourself a wife that isn't someone like Luna!" He yelled. Somehow I felt kind of offended with that statement.
"Why do you can go have her for yourself and fuck her?!" Dakota yelled. I felt extremely uncomfortable and I had to stop this conversation.
"Okay, Okay! Stop it! Both of you!" I said angrily getting in between the both of them.
"Stay out of this Luna!" Dakota said pulling me behind him.
"How the hell am I supposed to stay out of this is you both are involving me!?" I asked.
"I never touched her Dakota!" Beck said continuing.
"I'm sure you didn't." He said.
"Hey would I?" He asked.
"She's a beautiful woman! You take advantage of every beautiful woman you see!" Dakota said angrily.
"I don't even let you touch me! Why would I let him?" I yelled.
"What? You're going to use that excuse that you like women?" Dakota asked folding his arms.
"I only said that to get you off my back!" I said.
"But I guess you didn't tell my father that because you're a slut for older men!" I slapped Dakota across the face. He looked at me with surprise. Beck didn't even dare to move at this point because he knows he could be next.
I walked out of the room and went downstairs. I opened the front door and went outside. I got on my motorcycle and drove away. I needed to get away I couldn't stand being there.

Dakota's POV...

I saw Luna get on the motorcycle and leave. "Luna!" I yelled. I got in the car and began to chase after her.
I didn't know where she was going but I couldn't leave her alone. I don't know why I keep saying shit that she doesn't need to her.
She stopped and parked her motorcycle at this place where you would wrestle. I was confused but she's full of mysteries.


Luna was wrestling another woman and got injured but she in the end won. "The winner is Luna Cullen!" There were many applause for her. I even clapped for her.
At the end of the day everyone left and I waited for her to come back out. When she saw me she couldn't believe it.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked.
"I followed you." I said.
"Go back home." She ordered.
"Or else what?" I asked.
"Do I need to slap you again?" She asked.
"No." I simply said. She walked up to me and got close.
"Then stop being an idiot." She whispered. She was so close I thought she was going to kiss me but then she walked away and put on her jacket.
"That was cruel." I said.
"What? That I called you an idiot?" She asked lifting an eyebrow.
"No you were about to kiss me." She laughed.
"I will never kiss you." She said.
"You did when we were fifteen." She stopped and stayed frozen.
"Don't bring that up. What happened in the past stays there." She said continuing.
"Why? I think it's time we talk about it." She glared at me.
"There isn't anything to talk about." She said.
"What happened while I was gone?" I asked.
"Nothing. I missed you then got over you." She said.
"That's not what you showed me yesterday when you didn't want to let me go crying." I said.
"I will never do that again. I hate crying, especially if it's in front of someone." She said.
"Why are you so cold?" I asked.
"Because someone took something from me that I loved very much." She said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"That isn't any of your business." She said walking passed me.


Luna's POV...

We got back home, Dakota grabbed my arm and stopped we from walking in. "We still need to talk." He said.
"Talk about what? There isn't anything anymore. Let it go! Let me go!" I said angrily.
"Never! I will never let you go!" He said back.
"Life doesn't go the way you want it too. You lost me and I lost you." I said.
"You didn't lose me, Luna." He said walking closer to me.
"No? You still lost me." I snatched my hand away from him and walked inside.
I went upstairs to grab my luggage and brought it back downstairs.
"Luna don't do this." Dakota said sadly.
"I'm only doing what you want me to do. You dismissed me and what I'm doing is leaving like you asked." I said.
"I'm not comfortable with you dying for me." He said.
"It's my job, Dakota." I said again. "You won't understand. Do me a favor though. Get yourself a bodyguard because you really are in danger." I said.
"No." He said folding his arms. "I can take care of myself." I rolled my eyes at him.
"You're not safe. I recommend one." He didn't say anything else after that. I sighed and began to leave until he stopped me again.
"Fine Luna, stay here and be my bodyguard. I don't want anyone else but you." He said.
I turned around to him and almost slapped him across the face.
"You made me do all of this for nothing?" I asked a little angry.
"Sorry?" He said about to laugh. I growled and went upstairs and began to unpack.
As I was doing so Dakota leaned against the door frame. "Sorry for doing this to you." He said.
"It doesn't matter." I replied.
I felt his arms slither around my waist again. "Are you looking to get hurt Mr. Grey?" I asked about to do something that would hurt him.
"No I'm looking to make you fall in love with me again." He said.
"That will not happen sir." I said. I felt his lips on my neck and that's when I used self defense again. "Now mister playboy repeat after me, I will not touch you again." He hissed.
"What if I don't repeat after you?" He asked hissing in pain.
"Then we will be here like this for awhile." I said giving him a fake smile.
"Fine, Fine. I will not touch you again." He repeated.
"Unless I'm asked to." I said.
"Unless I'm asked to." He repeated again. I let go and he shook his arm trying to shake off the pain again. "I'm going to feel bad for your future husband." He said with a painful facial expression.
"I'm never going to get married." I said. He lifted both eyebrows.
"Why not? Marriage is a beautiful thing." He asked.
"I don't care. Marriage isn't for me, okay?" I asked.
"You're a cold woman," He said, "And hot too." He added. I rolled my eyes, pushed him out and shut the door on him. This man I swear.

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