Chapter 27

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"Luna! You aren't going! What about Justin? He's sick." I asked. She folded her arms then rolled her eyes.
"You're his father. He'll be fine with you. He's not a baby anymore and you are also his parent not just me." She said walking up to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and then kissed me. She pulled away and looked into my eyes. She had such beautiful eyes and I can't explain what they do to me.
"Okay fine, fine, I'll let you go but promise me that you'll take care of yourself." I said holding her tighter.
"I promise." She said with a small smile. The door bell went off, Luna went to go get it to see Killian standing there.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah just let me get my stuff." She said. She went upstairs while I decided to have a small conversation with Killian.
"Listen you son of a bitch if you touch my wife I'll kill you!" I said gritting my teeth.
"She's not your wife. She's your girlfriend. And why would I touch her?" He asked.
"Fiancé and soon to be my wife! If I didn't get shot I would be her husband! And she would be Lady Grey not Cullen." I explained.
"Right." He said. Luna came down and gave us a weird look.
"I'm ready. Are you?" She asked. Killian nodded. She turned to me and smiled then left a kiss on my lips.


Luna's POV...

We got to the hotel and got the keys for our doors. "I'll be right across from you if you need anything." Killian said with a smile.
"Okay thank you." I said opening the door to my room. I yawned and laid down on the bed.
I soon fell asleep thinking about my family but they will be fine.


I woke up to the loud pounding on the door. I opened it and squinted my eyes. Killian stood there and lifted his eyebrows.
"About time. I thought you died or something." He said folding his arms.
"No I was just asleep." I said yawning.
"You ready to eat dinner?" He asked.
"Sure." I said sitting down on the bed and putting my shoes on.
We walked down to the dining hall and sat down at the table. We ordered and I excused myself to the restroom to wash my hands. When I came back to the table I saw that Killian had served me some juice. "Thank you." I said sitting down and drinking it. The food came we ate and talked a lot till all of a sudden I began to feel tried.
"You tired?" Killian asked watching me yawn.
""Yeah I think I need to go to bed now and continue tomorrow." I said.
"Good idea." He said. I got up and almost fell feeling woozy.
"Luna." Killian caught me and carried me to my room. I fell asleep and couldn't get myself to wake up.

Dakota's POV...

I heard the door open so I hid. Yes I'm here for her. I wasn't going to let her stay here with him alone. I peeked to see that pig on top of her. I immediately showed myself and pulled him off of her making him fall to the floor.
"Dakota? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I followed my Luna! Did you really think I was going to let her come here alone with you and other bodyguards that wouldn't even know what's going on? No because I'm not an idiot unlike some people." I punched Killian in the face making him bleed.
"Kota?" Luna walked over to me and held my arm. She looked down at Killian and kicked him in the face. I didn't have any facial expression I just stood there thinking of what would have happened if I wasn't here.
Luna turned to me and hugged my tight. I couldn't bring myself to hug her back.
"I told you not to come because I didn't trust him. You didn't listen and look at what could have happened to you. But it didn't matter right? You can take care of yourself." I said.
"Kota please forgive me I didn't know he would go and do something like tha-" I cut her off.
"I told you I didn't trust him! You still didn't listen to me!" I said pulling away.
"Are you..going to leave me?" She asked.
"I don't know. What I do know is that I want to go home right now. I'm taking you with me." I grabbed her arm and luggage and pulled her with me.


Luna's POV...

He didn't talk to me the entire time. I just stared out the window and felt my eyes get glossy. I've screwed this up this time. I hate the feeling. I'm stronger than this. The truth is, is that he's turning me into another woman that isn't cold.
We got home and he was still walking away. "Dakota?" I asked. He stopped and turned around but he didn't stay anything he just waited for me to say something. "You hate me don't you?" I asked stoking my arm.
"I could never." He said folding his arms with a blank expression over his face.
"You'll never forgive me?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said. I nodded then grabbed my luggage then walked upstairs to our bedroom.
I sat down on the bed feeling horrible. I didn't think anything would happen but for some reason Dakota knew something was going to happen to me. I couldn't do anything but cry at this point. Dakota walked into the room and looked surprised.
"You're crying?" He asked.
"Yeah so what? I'm a woman." I said wiping the tears away. I stood up and turned around folding my arms in the process.
I felt his arms wrap around me and his chin rest on my shoulder.
"You know I didn't stop loving you." He whispered.
"I know." I said feeling worse.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked.
"Because without your forgiveness I can't be happy with you." I said feeling my tears run down my face. He turned me around and wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"No more crying." He said pulling into a tight hug. I began to cry onto his shoulder.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you." I sobbed.

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