Chapter 14

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I walked into my new office. It was way bigger than it needed to be. I looked around and set down all of my things.
"What do you think? It's beautiful isn't it? I bought you some outfits that you'd be wearing and I know they aren't many but you'll have to go and buy some others yourself." My father asked looking proud.

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"It's a little to much, don't you think?" I asked

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"It's a little to much, don't you think?" I asked.
"Oh Luna don't be ridiculous! This is the best office in the entire company and the outfits are marvelous!" My mom said putting her hands on her hips.
"Whatever." I said sighing.
"You get comfortable! We're so proud of you Luna. Also you think that this is just a car company. It's not just a car company it is also a plane company." My father said.
"Is that you or the alcohol talking?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Luna!" My mother said gritting her teeth.
"Oh my gosh just get out all ready." I said. For some reason my blood was boiling. It was probably because they managed to rip me away from Dakota for the second time in a row.
They got out finally leaving me in piece. I sat down and thought of my son. I decided to make a phone call to a maid that worked for us when I was younger. My family decided to move out of the state of New York and move to Los Angles, California. They told me I was too depressed and that I don't need memories of Dakota and what happened.
"Hello!" Mary asked. Mary our old maid was more my mother than my mother if I'm going to be honest.
"Hello? Mary?" I asked.
"Yes? Who is this?" She asked.
"It's Luna, Lina Cullen." I said.
"Oh my goodness. How are you my baby girl?!" She asked enthusiastically.
"I'm great and I hope you are too. Listen I need to ask you something. It's about my son." She went quiet for awhile but then sighed.
"What would you want to know?" She asked.
"Everything." I said.
"It's kind of a long story..." She said.
"Are you still in New York?" I asked.
"Yes. Why!" She asked.
"I'm going to pay you a visit. Just tell me your address." I said. She sighed.
"Alright. I'll see you here and send you the address." She said.
"Okay thank you." I hung up the phone and went home. I began packing and went to the place where my private jet will be taking off.
I waited until I saw Dakota come out of no where with his luggage and looking disappointed.
"Well, well! Look who's here!" Dakota said. He's gone back to his playboy self again. I lifted an eyebrow.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"More importantly, what are YOU doing here?" He asked folding his arms.
"Well I'm going to New York for my personal business." I said.
"Right because you're CEO of a car company and you travel." He said rolling his eyes. I rolled mine at him as well for being such a douche.
"It's not just a car company. Actually I found out that it's a plane company and all the planes you see here are mine." I said. He glared at me and didn't say a word. A man came up to us and began talking with Dakota.
"Sir? The pilot that was supposed to take you got sick. You may have to reschedule your vacation to New York." He said.
"What?!" Dakota asked frustrated.
"You're going to New York?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
"I'll take you." I said. Dakota laughed and folded his arms.
"I don't think that's a good idea." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I don't trust anyone besides the people I know." He said.
"I'm driving the plane." I said. He laughed again.
"No way in hell am I getting on that plane with you!" He said.
"Why not?" I asked. "You don't trust me?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"It's not me that doesn't trust you." He said.
"Well then what is it?!" I asked getting angry.
"She might have a problem with it." He said bring that same woman that he called his girlfriend at the party.
"She's coming with?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Yes." Dakota said wrapping an arm around her waist.
"I am. And I think I would like a professional. Where's the manager?" She asked. I laughed.
"Bitch I am the manager." I said folding my arms and giving her the death stare. She didn't say anything she just held onto Dakota's arm like she was going to get lost in a crowd.
"So are you going to New York with me or what?" I asked.
Dakota looked at his Whatever she is and looked back at me. "Yes." He said.
"Then hurry and get your asses in the plane I don't have all the time in the damn world." I ordered.
"Ugh! We're going Mrs. Pushover." Blair mumbled.
Dakota followed right after her and winked at me before he got in. I rolled my eyes and followed him into the plane.
"Just make sure we don't die." She said breathing heavily. I shook my head and tried to control myself before I pop her head off.


We were almost there until I saw a problem. The plane began to make a beeping noise indicating that it's unsafe at this point. I went to check on Dakota and his annoying brat.
"I told you she can't do it! She's going to kill us all!" She said screaming.
I looked over to her left side and saw a smoke.
I glared at her. "You're smoking?!" I asked angrily.
"Well I have to calm myself down somehow." She said. "I mean you're driving." I rolled my eyes.
"You're lucky I'm not throwing you out of this fuckin plane!" I said walking right back. Dakota didn't say anything he looked like he didn't want to say anything and get to our destination.


We finally arrived and Blair ran out and almost fell on her face. "Okay maybe I underestimated you just a little." Dakota said.
"Yeah now we can finally go our separate ways." I said.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Somewhere." I said.
"Right. Thanks for your help bye." He said holding up a piece sign. I turned around and made my way to my old home that was being maintained by Mary.


I got there and knocked on the door. It felt weird being here again but it was a necessity to be here.
Mary opened the door and smiled. "Luna! I missed you so much!" She said hugging me and rocking me from did to side.
"Hello Mary." I said. "Are you ready to tell me what happened with my son?" I asked.

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