When I met you

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I had just been playing minecraft for hours trying to beat the game and kill the dragon, I never did though. I had decided to end stream seeing as I was already going for 5 hours. I decided to raid Dream who was strangely playing CSGO. When Dream saw the raid he asked if I was down to play with him and a few others. I hesitated on saying yes cause there was a people I didn't know but I decided to join for a few hours.
*Added into the discord call*

"Hello?", said Y/N.

"Hi! Every buddy say hi to Y/N", said Dream.

Everyone said hi and shortly after the round had started. Someone named Punz? hit me with his knife and then went on to play the game.
He was one of the people I didn't know...

After playing and laughing for 2 hours everyone had to go but I decided to staying in the call and talk to Sapnap. Punz had stopped by and talked with us for a bit too. His voice was calming and comforting. He asked if I had twitch and we exchanged them.
They both had to go which means I had nothing to do besides sleep. I looked at my phone realizing it's 2 am. I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Next Day
It was 8 am. I decided to look at my phone and go onto social media. When scrolling through I saw punz had went live, I went to his stream as fast as possible. He was streaming speedrunning. He seemed pretty good seeing that his Pb. was 23:06. I typed in his chat saying, Hey punzo!. He surprisingly saw it, I don't know how his chat was moving so fast. I rang him in discord.
"Hi Y/N!", Punz said.

"Helloo, I didn't know your good at speedruns."

"Ah it's a struggle but i'd say i'm decent at them."

"Well you're definitely way better then me. My Pb is like an 1:17:03. You should teach me how to speedrun sometime?!"

"Oo that sounds like fun. Maybe you'll be able to get a better Pb," he said in a joking way.

We laughed and talk for the whole of his stream. His chat seemed so nice and sweet too me which was kinda shocking. After an hour passes he asked if I was going to stream so he could raid me. I said sure and loaded up minecraft and got my stream started. I asked him on discord if he would want to stay and play some hypixel. He said sure and went on deffend to talk to chat and thank subs.

People start coming into my stream so fast and I saw that Punz had raided me. My followers had gone up faster than they ever had. A hype train started and as soon as I look back at it we were at a level 5. I was in complete shock as this has never really happened. I also noticed that Punz had gifted some subs. I went off deffend and thanked him saying he didn't have to do that. He was shocked that I was a small streamer.
A lot of my mods were confused and there were a lot of people shipping us in chat saying, Punz X Y/N??
I was kinda nervous because I don't usually stream with this many people and this fast of a chat. I have a face cam on so they can all see me and my reactions to everything.

What if they think i'm ugly??

Punz seems to notice my panic, he dms me in discord calling me pretty and that I shouldn't panic. My heart just lit up when he said that. I had looked at myself in the camera and saw that I was kinda blushing. I had forgotten that this is his first time seeing me. But I had gotten distracted and started to invite him to my bed wars lobby. We played for a few hours and then decided to end the stream. I decided to raid one of my friends who had 7 viewers.

Punz and I decided to stay in the call for a little while longer. I didn't expect him too be so nice. We got to get to know each other and it turns out we live close by each other!
I offered if we should meet up. I said he could come over and stay at my place for a few nights. I have a few rooms you could stay in.
"I'd love to!" Punz said with an exciting look on his face.
"I'll see you in 2 days." I said all smiley.

(794 words)

Nice to meet you| Punz x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now