a new place

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Time skip

It was a months later and we had finally got approved for the house in Canada. Punz had gotten approved to live in Canada. Everything was going good. A few weeks ago I had gotten to meet his family and his sisters loved me. It felt good to know that his family trusted me with him.

He was coming over in a few hours with his stuff and then we would take a flight to Canada in the morning. I remember him saying that he has never been to Canada so it's going to be a new experience for him, while i've been a bunch of times for family. I was kinda nervous cause he would be meeting my family and all my friends. When we would get there we would be staying the night in my room at my parents. It was probably a mess cause I did a bunch of drawing and loved changing my room when I was there.


I look at my phone to see that Punz texted me he's leaving. Ahh I was so excited I haven't seen him in foreverrr. While passing time I decided to go through some fan art there was a bunch of me and Punz they were all so cute.

Time skip

Knock knock*
I run to the door and hug the man who was standing there laughing.

"Dang someone was excited to see me," he said while hugging me back.

"It's been forever leave me alone," I say while snuggling my head into his chest.

When we let go we were just laughing. He brought in all his stuff and made himself at home. A lot of the stuff here was packed and ready to be shipped to our new house. A lot of the furniture was going to be left here besides the desk and a few other things.

It was already dinner time so we decided to go out to eat at (favorite restaurant). The food there is so good, my favorite is the (favorite food). While sitting down too eat we were talking about my family. My family was kinda chaotic especially my brother and sister. Surprisingly my sister was pretty upset when I moved out and moved far. But she was soo happy when I was back. I always brought her a little gift when I came back.

"Can we go to a shop after? I have to get my sister something."

"Is it her birthday?! Was I suppose to get her something?"

" No," I said while laughing. "Everytime I go back home I bring her a little gift! It's a weird thing but she has never been to the states and loves things here."

"Oh that's cute though. We should bring her to the states at some point!" He said while eyes lighting up.

"We should she would love that! Her birthday is next month maybe that could be our gift." I loved the idea of that. She was turning 18 so it would all work out.

We finished dinner and were walking down the main street. We were by a mall so we went there. The mall was so pretty at night. All the lights from tree too tree. It was an outdoor one so it was chilly outside and I forgot a hoodie. I started to shiver a little. Punz had noticed because he gave me his sweatshirt without me asking. I felt a little bad because then he'll be cold. I put it on and it was a bit oversized on me.

"You looks so cute in it," he said while spinning me around. We were both laughing. I loved the moments like these with him.

We made it to a store. I didn't wanna get her a jumper or sweats because I had gotten them for her before. She loved cows and there were a bunch of cow pillow pets in a stand. I got her one knowing that she didn't have one at the house. It was a strawberry cow and it was so cute.

Time skip

We had gotten back home and got ready for bed. Punz was on his phone and I was on netflix looking for a show or film to fall asleep to. I saw beauty and the beast and turned it on. Punz got off his phone and wrap his arms around my waist.
"goodnight love you." he whispered to me but I was too sleepy to say it back.

I woke up too Punz shaking me. I forgot that our flight was early. I had to pack up a few things before getting a ride too the airport. I had gotten a message from my mom telling me to text her when we get to the airport in Canada. We didn't know how we were gonna get our cars out though. I was debating on selling mine and Punz was just gonna give it to his sibling.

We got all check in and walked to our gate. We got some food on the way. They called our gate and soon enough we were on the plane. I fell asleep on Punzs shoulder and I think he was just watching a movie or editing.

4 hours later

I woke up too the pilot announcing that we were about to land. I barely got any service and I texted my mom we were about to land. Punz looked so happy seeing that we were finally here. And I was happy to finally be back home. It was getting close to winter time so it was starting to snow.

When walking too baggage claim I saw my mom and sister. When my sister saw me she ran up and jump hugged me. Punz was walking slowly behind me laughing. After I put her down she went to go hug Punz. He was shocked that she did that especially since she didn't really know him. I started to go get both of our bags.

(Word Count 1000)
(A/N omg thank you so much for all the reads and stuff 😭)

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