I need to vlog!

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"Tubbo come on we need to go get big D in a video!" Tommy had grabbed tubbo the moment he walked into the house. They were inseparable and Tommy was trying to vlog anything and everything he could. It was funny seeing Tommy shove his phone into people's faces until he did it to me. I was still annoyed with him continually asking me what was on my neck and anything about me and Punz.
I mean what was there too know? We did nothing bad.

With Tubbo now around Tommy had left me and Punz alone at least for now. I was laying down with Punz in our room watching a show that we started while in the UK. Nobody really planned on doing much today as everyone was still getting settled and new people kept coming. We were going to the arcade and beach/boardwalk tomorrow which was always a fun sight.

Wilbur had the idea that a few of us could go to his room to do a stream. He wasn't in his office, as he left it recently, and he had his setup upstairs. He suggested that I went. He preferred Tommy didn't go as he went to Wilburs office that one time to stream without him knowing. And he tended to do that all the time when he went to other people's houses.

At 3 pm Wilbur had dragged me, Niki, and Punz all upstairs. It's funny how Wilbur knew that I wouldn't go without Niki, no offense to Punz he know I love him dearly. Wilbur had started the stream and told us we would just be doing a QNA or a just chatting stream.

Thousands and thousands of people had joined the stream quickly. I got the notification to the stream and the title was, "HURRY UP GET IN THERES PEOPLE!"

"What a great title Wil," I said with a laugh in my voice as the notification was pretty funny when you were behind the camera.

"I know it's very creative" He was laughing as he moved the camera so it was just him in frame.

"Hello guys! Welcome back to my stream. We have some special guest today that I will introduce in a few moments..."

He continued on with his intro while we were on our phones or watching, waiting to be introduced.

"Okay so here are our special guests! First we have my Niki Nihachu."

"Hi guys!"

"Then next to Niki we have Y/N!"

"hellloo!" I said while waving my hands to the camera.

"And last but not least guest is Punz!"

"Sup guys."

"Okay now Donations will be set to 20. I know it's a lot but we still want to be able too read most of them! You guys can ask questions."

Going alone with the stream most of them were asking how's the others or who is dating who. I found it funny as one person thought me and Niki were together cause I had my head on her shoulder and she was resting her head on mine. But none of the audience knew that me and Punz were holding hands under the camera. Well that was until Wil exposed us to the camera.

The stream went pretty well answered a lot of questions had some funny bits and a bunch of laughs but shortly ended it after 2 hours because we were all hungry.

We went downstairs to see them debating on what food place to go to. Wilbur had seemed to already know where to go and told us about it. It was the place me and him always went to when I visited.

It was a cute little pizza shop that wasn't that far of a walk from here. Which was good cause none of us really felt like walking very far.

*Time skip to after Pizza*

We were all stuffed sitting on the living room couch watching a movie. But as the night went on everyone had slowly been going to their rooms for an early rest. it had gotten to the end of the movie and all's that's left were me, punz, and george. Imagine how awkward that room was. I was the first to leave as I still had to shower and I wasn't that invested in the movie.

After my showered I greeted in bed my a Punz scrolling through his phone. He hadn't noticed me so this was my chance to attack him. I creeped up on him and jumped on him. He just groaned in pain and shock as he was not expecting that.

"What the hell was that for!" He didn't say it in a mad tone though he said it with a lot of laughter in his voice. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled me until I was half asleep. He then whispered into my ear saying, "Goodnight my love." and kissed my forehead.

After that I was out. Not even awake to say I love you or goodnight too him. But he seemed to have fallen asleep right after me.


We woke up too Sapnap slamming pans around screaming at us to wake up. After a full few minutes of this I was up. When I checked my phone it was already 11. Everyone in the house had to leave out of here but 1 pm.

Punz was still asleep holding me and wouldn't wake up when I kept shaking him. After a few shakes he was half awake.

"Good morning Sleepyhead!" I said while ruffling his hair and kissing his forehead.

"Good morning." He said in his sleepy voice. No matter how many times I wake up next too him his morning voice is still the best part.

"I'm gonna get ready and get coffee we are leaving in a little less than two hours so make sure to be ready by then.

I had gotten my coffee, brushed my teeth, changed into my clothes for the day, did my simple makeup, and then pack my backpack I was gonna take.

My backpack contained:
My portable charger
A swim suit
My camera and some batteries

I thought that maybe I would be able too vlog to but mostly too keep the memories or do a little video of everything. I'm not sure yet but I know it would be cool.

Tommy didn't want to bring a bag so he made me carry around all his equipment and things to. Which I guess I didn't mind taking.

*Time skip to leaving*

After two hours of preparing we started walking our way to the boardwalk which wasn't that far.

Tommy was vlogging and trying too get dream in frame because he didn't want to be in front of the camera in a vlog practically doing a face reveal.

I was sat back with Punz and Niki walking.

"So what did y'all do that day?" Niki whispered to me out of the blue.

"What day?"

"You know what I mean. Tommy kept asking you what happened to your neck tryna get something out of you!?"

"Oh gosh Niki it was seriously nothing all he did was give me hickies and I forgot to cover them in the morning. Sapnap had told me to cover them up and then tommy had some how seen them past the shirt."

"Mhm okay Y/n"

"What are you guys whispering about?" Punz asked looking over at me and Niki.

"Nothing." I said.

"The hickies you gave Y/n here!"

"Okay well ignore me asking about you guys whispering."

We all laughed finding it funny that he wanted to know then didn't after finding out what it was about.

(Word count 1297)
Okay so I have a new story in the works but I don't know who I want it to be on. So the options would be Punz again, or Dream, or Possibly Sapnap.
Also this book is only gonna have like 1/2 more chapters left!!

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