Good morning <3

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Punz POV

I had the best night with her. We were watching the Disney movie UP. I like the movie but she fell asleep about halfway through. She fell asleep on my arm. I don't know what to do, Sapnap was the only one who was super close to me and Y/N, I sent him a picture asking what do I do??
Just let her sleep or try to fall asleep, he said responding very quick.
He was shocked we were sleeping in the same bed.
"She asked if I could so I said sure. We did a drinking stream with her friends and we were holding hands." I told him as Sapnap was quiet in shock.
"Dang Punz! You got game. Holding hands on the first day y'all met."
"Omg stop. I'm just gonna go to sleep so I can wake up at a semi decent time."


I woke up too a few text messages from Sapnap. He was shocked I was cuddling and holding hands with Punz. I told him not to worry about all of it. He was probably still asleep saying that it was only 11 am. I got up to notice Punz was still sleeping. I debated on waking him up but decided to make some breakfast for the both of us. I made some pancakes and bacon. I felt bad in waking him up but I did.
As waking up he said,"good morning cutie."
I laughed and said, "good morning Punzo. There's breakfast in the nook."
We laughed and ate breakfast and I think he liked it? Well I hope he did.
We talked about going to the park and hanging out and maybe getting food. Ah yes it was out first full day together. We both got ready for the day he showered and I did my makeup in my room. When he was finally ready we left to the park. While walking around we held hands. Ah I was so happy and butterflies were in my stomach when we were holding hands. We had a little picnic at the park and then when we finished went to the arcade. Bruh he's frickin good at the games (I guess that is what speedrunning 24/7 can do to ya). He got a bunch of tickets and got two nerf guns.

It was a few hours later and we decided to watch a movie and chill on the couch after our nerf fight (I won just saying).
He had his arm around me and my head was on his chest. Ahh I loved the moments with him like this.

(440 words)

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