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We made it to the diner where we were having our breakfast...brunch thing. Tommy was supposed to be here in about 15 minutes. But we were all hungry so we decided to order a bunch of food and wait for him and his father to arrive.

We order a bunch of different food and just kept sharing all the food.

"Y/nnn!! Dreammmm! Wilburrrrrr my friendssssss!!" Tommy shouted when walking into the restaurant. Tommy's dad knocked his arm telling him to use his inside voice. It was funny seeing tommy getting in trouble. Especially in person rather than discord calls or streams.

Wilbur gets up to shake his dads hand and says hi to him and strikes up a basic conversation.

I hid behind Punz and Dream a lil bit as I did not like meeting other peoples parents. This goes along with me never/barely ever meeting Punz's parents. I always had a feeling they wouldn't like me.

Once tommy and his dad walked with us back to our table. We all started to eat again. His dad just got a coffee and a bagel while tommy are some of the food we got since we got so much.

At 10:30 we decided to go back to the house. Tommy's dad has just left after saying goodbye to all of us leaving tommy alone with us spending the night...

Tubbo was able too come over the next day as he had something to do last minute. Tommy was a like sad that he couldn't see him sooner but he was feeling somewhat better cause he could see tubbo the next day.

This all meant that we had to deal with Tommy complaining all day...

*at the home again lol*

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n." Tommy had just kept on repeating, while sitting on the table with me and sapnap.

"What the hell do you want tommy." I was drinking some water that Niki had gotten me.

"What is on your neck?"

I spit out my drink a little bit and just stare at him blankly. Sapnap is just next to me laughing his butt off. Punz starts his way to our room. And Niki is just smirking at me on the verge of laughing like Sap.

"It's nothing just don't worry about it..."

"Did you and Punz do anythinggg..."

This is only getting worse and worse my head is in my hands. Who knew how annoying 16 year old boys were with stuff like this. I kept trying to get off the topic but he just wouldn't let it go.

« Tommy we didn't do anything. »

Sapnap was just smirking at me.

I finish my water what was left of it anyways and then went into the room. I closed and locked it. Punz was looking at me just laying in the bed staring at me.

"That was painful! and you left me!!"

"I knew he wouldn't bother you too much or let it go at a certain point."

"Well he didn't! It was just why why why."

"Im sorry love but it's only tommy he'll try to find out one way or another."

"Ah I guess it's whatever. Tubbo is coming over tomorrow and hopefully that will be better."

"I bet it will. But let's just go join the group downstairs cause they're watching a couple of movies."

(Word count 590)
Okay so if I do another book who would you wanna see and what it would be about?!

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