Its nice to see you..again

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George POV

I waited in my car until I get a text from Dream that they had just landed. He didn't really give me much information so I had to look up their gate on my phone. When I look up from my phone I see that the gate is right there but it seems no one has came out yet.

I was so nervous for this. I had mixed feelings for Y/n and of course Punz had to come along. I wonder if she told him about her and me. I doubt it who would wanna tell your now boyfriend that you're gonna be staying with an old crush/almost boyfriend. We were so close to dating. If only Dream didn't invite Y/n to that one lobby. That one call. Everything would've been so different.

Maybe she would've been mine...

I still have her in my favorites you know.
y/n <5
We did less than five because we were tired of hearing/seeing less than three in our dono's. We chose the number five because Y/n had always said the number five was hot.

I clicked on her name and put the phone against my ear. It rang twice and she picked up. It felt nice to hear her voice again.
"Hello? George?"

"Hey i'm here too pick you up just walk to the gate."

"Will do we are getting our bags right now!"

"Okay see you soon bye."

Then the end of the call.

I knew I probably shouldn't do what i'm about to do but oh well. When I see Y/n walking up looking for me I run up and hug her. She was only a little bit smaller than me. She was confused until she turned around and hugged me almost tackling me.

I could tell the rest of the boys were confused at this action. But I had missed all of them. After Y/n let go of the hug I went to hug the rest. I hugged Dream for the longest ( he had the best hugs out of the whole group).

Punz POV

I grabbed my bag and started to walk off with the group. Y/n was looking for George a little bit in front of us because he told her where he was. I don't know how I feel with this whole trip anymore. Y/n was started to ignore me.

When I look up I hear y/n and a male laughing. It was y/n and George. George had Y/n in a tight hug. They haven't seen each other in a while and I wouldn't doubt if they missed each other.

When they finally let go George goes to hug everyone else. First Sapnap then me and then Dream. They had hugged for a while. We finally left the airport and made it to George's car. We put our luggage in the back of the car and then Dream sat in the front and Sapnap, Y/n and me sat in the back.

I had my hand on the inside of Y/n's thigh and she had one of her hands in my hoodie pocket holding my other hand. She was on her phone trying to figure out something. Sapnap had looked like he was drifting on and off of sleep and so did y/n when she finally put down her phone.

She laid her head on my shoulder and shortly fell asleep. I couldn't really move because I didn't wanna wake her or bring her any discomfort. It was only 2 am so I think everyone would wanna sleep when we get there and then figure out everything fully in the morning.

(Word count 623)
A/n this was a shorter one but it is now 3 am and i'm half asleep so goodnight/good morning luvs <3
(p.s. thank you for 17k reads !!)

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