without me

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Tuesday, day before meeting Niki and Wil


I was eating breakfast before all of the boys were up. I guess they were up late watching a film. I was thinking about getting both Niki and Wil a gift for when I see them. I had known Wil for a while but not so much Niki.

Wilbur is how I met George and then through George I met a few others. But also met people through Sapnap.

The possible plan for tomorrow was we went to brighton to walk around or hangout at the beach area and then watch a film at Wilburs place.

I finished my breakfast and put the dishes in the sink too be done later. I put on my shoes grabbed my bag and went outside to go to all the shops.

While shopping I got Wilbur a guitar strap and new pick. For Niki I decided to get her a really cute jumper with a toy for zuko (i forgot how the name was spelled).

On my way back I picked up some breakfast for the boys.

When I got back Dream and Sap were in the main room watching some show. Dream wakes up George and then I go to wake up Punz. Too wake him up I jump on him straddling him to shake him up. After three shakes he's half awake and puts me into a hug and kisses my head.

"Noo Punz you have to wake up!"

"5 more minutes"

"No there is food waiting for you in the kitchen."

"ughh fine i'll get up...Why are you so hyper this early?"

"It's already somewhere around noon? I've been up for a few hours doing things." I say while dragging him up from the bed.

"And you didn't wake me uppp" He says with a whiney tone at the end.

"You went to bed late, I thought you would like to sleep in?"

"But I wanna also hangout with youu" He says while pulling me too stand in between his legs.
"I like hanging out with you" He kissed my lips and then moved me to get up.

"And I like hanging out with you but I didn't want you to be grumpy from the lack of sleep"

"That was rude!"

"but it's trueee!" I say while walking out to the kitchen. Punz shortly following.

"Why do you look all upset" George had asked Punz.

"Did Y/n not give you any cuddlessss" Sapnap had said in a teasing tone.

"No no he's all upset cause I didn't take him on my little adventure this morning."

"I'm not upset and Y/n did give me cuddles if you had to know." Punz said while looking at both George and Sapnap.

I just rolled my eyes and laughed. The boys all making fun of or teasing each other was always funny.

( Word count 484)
Just a little short one <3 Sorry !!

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