Ferris Wheel

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(This chapter it's gonna kinda switch Pov a lot)


Time skip

We were on our way to the fair. It was still semi light outside. Punz was driving, I was in the passenger, and Dream plus Sapnap were in the backseat. Punz had aux because his music taste is kinda elite.

While driving there he had his hand on my thigh and I had butterflies in my stomach during the whole ride. My plan was to bring him on the ferris wheel at sunset and then whatever happens, happens. I kept giving him directions of where to go and 45 minutes later we were there. I haven't been to a fair in forever but I miss the food.

We looked around trying to decide what we would do. After a few minutes we decided to play a few of the games and then go on a few rides. And then maybe food after. After a few of the games Punz had won a bee plushie. He had surprised me with it and hugged me from behind. We had a cute moment and then moved on to the rides laughing. We had also been holding hands the whole time which I loved. He wasn't scared of roller coasters so it was fun too sit and laugh with him. The sun was setting so I decided to drag him to the ferris wheel.

We had to wait in line for a bit but then we had finally gotten on. Once we had gotten to the top it slowed down a bit. It all had felt so surreal and I was nervous of his reaction. I looked at him and he kept switching from my eyes to my lips. I slowly leaned in and we kissed. I had always dreamed of this happening (because of all the movies and books i've read) too me.


When the sun was setting she had dragged me too the ferris wheel. She looked so happy and nervous at the same time. Maybe she had something planned? Maybe that's why she wanted to get in line so quick. We had soon gotten in one of the carts. The cart took us up to the top and started to get slower. I notice she was looking at me. I turned to look at her, gosh she's pretty. I kept switching my eyes from her eyes too her lips. She looked at me and kissed me. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. The sunset in the background and i'm with Y/N it was like a dream come true.

Back to Y/N POV

The moment was over after a bit and we had gotten off the ride. We had to find Dream and Sapnap. After a bit of looking for them we found them in the line for funnel cake. We joined them and decided to order something for us to. We found some where too sit and eat. Both Dream and Sapnap had their own plate. Punz and I were deciding to share one now and then get something to eat later. Sapnap had noticed I was all smiley. When we were done and started walking back to the car he pulled me back while the other continued walking.

"How did your plan go?" Sapnap asked giving a soft push on my shoulder. He was the only one who knew what I was going to do because I was super close to him.
"It went better than planned! It felt like I was in a movie and it was just me and him." I told him.

After that little moment we ran up back to the group. They were laughing at some jokes that Dream had made. We had gotten to the car and it was the same spots as before. This time Sapnap was on the aux because they didn't wanna listen to my music even though it's superior. It was quiet most of the ride besides when we sang songs.

We got home after a little bit. It was so nice too be home after a tiring day. We decided to watch a movie and relax. I had picked out a movie called jumanji (it's a good movie if you haven't watch it yet). None of us have watched the movie so that was cool. Like an hour in Dream and Sapnap had fallen asleep.

Punz and I were still awake and hungry so we decided to go get something while it wasn't too late. We went to Mcdonald's and had gotten a bunch of chicken nuggets, fries, and, shakes. We decided to do a Q and A stream while we ate cause we didn't wanna be loud. We decided to stream on my account. A lot of the questions were the same
"Are you guys dating?!"
"How long are you guys gonna be with each other?"
We both tried to ignore the first question. For the second question Punz had to leave in like 2 days because of his moms birthday but he would come back very soon. We had streamed for about an hour before deciding to end.

We got ready for bed and turned on a show to fall asleep to. We were cuddling and he had his arms around my waist while holding me tight.

Sapnap POV

I had woken up on the couch and saw that dream was in the kitchen getting cereal. I asked if Y/N and Punz were up and he just told no and that I should wake them up. I didn't really wanna wake them up. I knocked on the door and saw that he was holding her tight to him. I checked too see if my ringer was on before taking a picture of them. I woke them up and Y/N woke up before Punz. She couldn't get up because he just said 5 more minutes.


Punz was keeping me in bed until I kept annoying him too get up. He got up and we went into the kitchen to get breakfast. We both just had cereal. We didn't really have any plans for today. We decided it would be like a lazy day were we just watch (favorite show) and eat food. We walked to the shops to get snacks for today.

A/N Sorry that this chapter was bad and kinda long but I did this in like an hour and I don't really like it
word count: 1087

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