A city view

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*Time skip

We had already made it to the apartment. It was in the city and it was on a high floor. We got a place that was similar to my last apartment. It has 3 bed rooms and 2 baths. One was going to be me and Punz's room, another is an office/streaming room, and the other a guest room. Punz was mainly gonna get the office because he streams later at night then when I do but I would be able to move my setup in there if I wanted to.

The furniture truck had started to arrive there which was perfect time for everything.  We started to bring everything in and soon we finished. I paid the mover and then went inside.

Punz was already putting things in their right places. I felt like I would be fixing things later so I just let him do what he was doing. The place already had a bed and a couch plus a tv in most of the room so it was nice that we didn't have to buy that or get it from my old place. 

The view was also so pretty.

(just imagine it kinda like that but in the daytime)

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(just imagine it kinda like that but in the daytime)

I had also imagine living in a city like this and like New York. It was basically like a dream come true some would say. I was all caught up in my thoughts until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, wanna go get lunch or something?"

"Um ye-yeah." I said kinda stuttering trying to get out of my head.

He grabbed my hand to pull me off of the floor and we went to the city for some lunch. He didn't really know where anything is so he kept on looking it up on his phone. We didn't want to go that far so we just walked to a Mcdonald's.  I ordered chicken nuggets with fries and Punz order a big Mac. We brought the food back to the apartment and I decided to eat on the floor by the window. Punz was eating on the countertop.

After lunch we decided to finish unpacking. It was turning out better than expected. While Punz was doing god knows what in the living room I was working on the bedroom. I wanted the room to be inspired by some of my pinterest boards that I always dreamed of having. Would Punz like the room maybe not but that doesn't matter he has the office.

*Time skip

It was now dark outside and I have been working on the room for hours and Punz even brought me food. After hours it was finally done and it looked so good!

 After hours it was finally done and it looked so good!

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(Imagine it similar to this or your dream room)

I wanted too surprise Punz with it hoping he would like it. He hadn't seen it all day so I was so excited. I dragged him off of the couch and put my hands over his eyes and directed him to the room and opened the door.

"Open your eyes!" I screamed with happiness.

He walked into the room and looked around it. I was kinda nervous because of the no answer.

"Omg! It looks so good I like it!" He said while picking me up and hugging me. I just melted in his arms when he did this I didn't want to let go. He noticed that my gripped tightened on him so he didn't let go as soon as he thought he would.

"Y/N... Ar-Are you okay?" He said slightly lifting me off of him.

"I'm okay, I just missed this." I say looking in his eyes. They were a pretty ocean blue. He pulled me back into the hug and kissed my forehead.

"I've missed this too."

We stayed in that moment in silence for a bit. It wasn't like that awkward or uncomfy silence. It was one that you could stay in forever. The silence was broken when Punz said...

(word count 695)
(A/N i'm not sure how I feel about this chapter it was a little bit of a filler? but with a cliffhanger?)

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