Brighton Boardwalk

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A/n im writing this while eating the habit and watching Punz cause im behind and i've been busy


"Y/n Dream get in here!! I want you guys to be in the vlog!!" Tommy was shouting are us from the end of the pier.

"Stop shouting." Wilbur said while bumping tommy.

I let go of Punz's hand and went to catch up and bring Dream to Tommy.

"Tommy why do you want me in the video if I haven't done a face reveal?"

"Ayy I want them to hear your voice or see your shoes so I can get some clout!"

Everyone started bursting into laughter as everyone made fun of him and his shoes in that one video. But since then I got him a pair of better shoes and it's been better since.

We finish our part in whatever tommy's video was and Punz drags me over to him again. And pulls me a little bit away from the group at the end of the pier.

"Open up your hand and close your eyes."

"What why?!"

"Just trust me?"


I opened up my hand and shut my eyes I feel him put a box in my hand and wrap my hands around it.

"Okay open your eyes!"

I open up my eyes to see that the box has my name written on it and a white ribbon around it. I slowly slip the ribbon off and open it up to see a ring. The ring was:

He told me to think of it as a promise ring and that it would match the other rings I wear and wouldn't look left out

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He told me to think of it as a promise ring and that it would match the other rings I wear and wouldn't look left out. Punz and I had some similar rings as I keep trying too get him into them. It's a work in progress and it's always fun to see how chat reacts to them. He wears them in the start of his hand cam but then gets bothered by them and takes them off. His chat had also tried to get me to do hand cams who knows though.

"Thank you so much Punz I love it!" I say while going into hug him.

"You are welcome Y/n." he says and pulls me into the hug.

"Y/n! There you guys are!" Wilbur says ruining the moment but I know they would want to go to another place. I mean at least they didn't leave us.

We go out back to the group and follow them to the restaurant they chose. I didn't know the area that well so i'm not sure what place it exactly was. We got a few tables and the waitresses were looking all the boys up and down. When she set us down and gave us our menus she went to a group of coworkers.

"That women was looking you guys up and down!" Tommy said too all the boys sitting next to us.

"One of you guys should get their number!!"
Tubbo and Tommy both getting excited now.

"Yeah Yeah then I could get vlog content. I could title the video Dream and then get a girls number." He said while doing jazz hands too try and get you imagine the idea of it.

"Umm I don't think that's a good idea?"

"Why nott!"

"Cause the fandom will find them and attack them or something who knows?!"

"Ugh fine suit yourself"

"Tommy i'm pretty sure he has other reason we don't need to get into it but not everything has to be done for your vlog." Niki says trying to be considerate.

"Yeah what Niki said let's just get our food and move on with our day." I said trying too move on from the subject.

*After lunch/Dinner*

The waiter after a while had gotten the idea and backed off of our group and we had went on with our day. We had chilled on the beach and took pictures for a bit. Punz and I had also taken some photos so we could post with the others. Everything was going good. We were on our way home after not having much to do anymore and some of us getting tired. And a few of us had to leave late tomorrow night. The week has gone by so fast and I don't want to leave my friends. But Punz is going home with me.

*Time skip to at the house*

"Nikiii have you posted the photos yet?"

"No I haven't but i'm getting it ready right now. We should post it at the same time!"

"Yeah I just need to decide! I probably gonna do the one of our group at the beach, the one of us and the me and Punz." I said while showing all of the photos off.

"Yes they'll look good! They would also go with the vibe of your insta."

"Yeah I agree! Are you ready to post?"

"Yeah ready 1 2 3!"

Posted we both said at the same time.

We stayed there talking as we watched the likes and comments go up. There wasn't that much hate about it so everything was going good. There were also so people asking when I'll stream again. I had tweeted that i'll go live as soon as I get home.

Punz said that wasn't a good idea because I needed to sleep. I haven't been sleeping that well cause I miss my bed and my room. I loved it here seeing my friends but I get homesick and want to go back home.

*night time*



"Hurry up I wanna watch a movie and then go to sleep!"

"I need to shower! You probably need one to!!"

"Nope I showered a little before you. But i'll take a shower with you."

"Yeahh i'm good, let's not..."

Punz rolls his eyes while chuckling and went back to being on his phone. I grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower, deciding not to wash my hair so i'll be quicker. Punz was waiting and was complaining that I was taking forever even though it's only been 3 minutes.
I look in the mirror to see the um bruises on my neck have faded too were you can't really noticed them. That was good cause no more talking about it.

I walked out to Punz scrolling through the Netflix selection.

"What movie or show do you wanna watch?"

"Niki told me about this good movie called Weathering with you! We should watch it."

quick a/n if you haven't watch it i think you should im not sure if it's still on netflix though!!

"I heard about that movie from some where I don't remember but i'm down!"

I got into the bed and curled up against him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. It was comforting and I missed the moments in the house when we would be laying down in our bed like this watching something. whether it was our friends streaming to a random show or some video. Every moment like this was something I always looked forward to.

Punz and I had grown super close in the many months that we've been together and before we were. I chuckle at the fact we met in a lobby. A CSGO lobby to be exact...

(Word count 1222)
A/n thank you guys for being patient I have been busy with school!! But sorry for the trashy book kinda I promise the next one will be better as soon as I figure who it's gonna be on. Drink some water and some food my loves <3!

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