Who are you?

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Dream POV

I heard a knock at the door and I wanted to go check it out but Punz had answered before I could do anything.

"Hey do you know Y/N?" he asked.

We all shook our heads saying yes. He was saying he needs to talk to her and that it's urgent. None of us want to wake her up. So we had to tell him to come another day. He wouldn't leave...
After all of the commotion y/n started walking out of her room. She looked up and saw the man at the door. She quickly ran and closed the door as fast as possible behind her. Me, Sapnap, and Punz all look at each other confused.


I woke up to a bunch of noise by the boys. I went to where I heard the noise and then saw my ex at the door. Why the heck was he here?! At this hour? I honestly had no idea what time it was speaking from Punz having to carry me to my room.

"Why are you here right now?" I asked.

"I missed you...Who was the person who answered the door? Who were other boys staring at me?" he asked saying many more questions about who they were.

"I told you, you need stop coming by. They're my friends and then my boyfriend..."

There was a minute of awkward silence. He just stood there staring at me blankly.

"You already have a boyfriend...?"

Me and (ex name) had only broken up a few months ago but he came over randomly no matter how many times I told him too stop. Me and him didn't have the best relationship he was very manipulating. That's why my friends were shocked about Punz. But Punz was different compared to (ex name). Punz opened the door to see if everything was alright. (Ex name) starts crying and calling Punz a bunch of names and then stormed away.

Punz dragged me inside and locked the door. I couldn't tell if I was about to cry but I felt my cheeks getting hot. They all questioned me and asked who he was. He was my ex who wasn't the best to me. He keeps coming back even though I tell him not to. I go to my room and slam the door hoping no one followed me.

Punz POV

I was worried for y/n but that dude also looked like he wanted to fight me or do something?
I asked Dream and Sapnap if they could stay a few more days just in case anything happens and that they could use my pc if they wanted to stream or something. They said sure cause they didn't really have anything else planned.
I felt bad for y/n because of what she said he's done. I also don't get why he keeps coming back after everything and she keeps saying to stop coming back. I started walking back to her room to see if she was okay. Sapnap and Dream went back to their rooms as well. Y/n was face down in her pillow. I started rubbing her back and she started to get up. She got up and hugged me. I never wanted her to leave.


I started crying into Punz's arms. He hugged me tight. I never wanted to leave. I had finally felt safe and calm. He kissed my forehead and kept reassuring me everything was gonna be okay and that my ex won't do anything. He wiped my tears off of my face and lifted up my chin so I was looking into his eyes. We kissed...

We heard the door open and quickly pulled away from each other.
"Oh I- Sorry if I intruded on anything. Are you okay y/n?"
"Yeah I'm fine just a little bit overwhelmed. Just don't worry about it," I said while looking at Punz who had a worried look on his face.
He came over to hug me and said goodnight to both me and Punz. Punz and I started talking about random stuff and getting too know each other more. It was like 3 am when we just put a tv show on to fall asleep.

It was like 7 am when I woke up. Everyone else was asleep. Punz had his arms wrapped around my waist holding me tight to him. I struggled to get out but once I did I put one of my pillows there too replace me. I decided to clear my head and go for a walk and get coffee and food.
I first got my breakfast from a nearby coffee shop and then left to go to the park. The park that was by me had a big lake which had some ducks swimming around. They were adorable and it was calming too watch them and hear the waterfall. I had realized I forgotten my phone. I didn't tell anyone I left or where I went. When I asked a nearby person what time it is they said it was already 10! I had been walking around for 3 hours!

Dream POV

I woke up at 9:36. I didn't get out of bed till like 9:50. The door to Y/N room was open so I peered in. Y/N wasn't there but Punz was cuddling with a pillow? I grabbed my phone and texted her but I heard a ding from the room. I saw that her where ever she went she forgot her phone. I debated if I should wait a bit and look for her. Then I heard the door open. IT WAS Y/N! I went up to hug her.
"I'm glad your safe!"
"Ah sorry! I went to go get food and walk around the park and just clear my head. I guess when I left I didn't bring my phone."
"That was dangerous but i'm glad you're back home safe."


I went to wake up Punz for him to get ready. I had a bunch of fun stuff planned for me and him today assuming Dream and Sapnap wanted to either stream or chill. Sapnap was still sleeping though. It was gonna kinda be like me and Punzs first actual date.

(1056 words)

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