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I woke up wrapped in Punzs arms. I didn't wanna get up or wake him. But after sometime of me just sitting Punz starts to wake up.
"Good morning sleepyhead," I said as he got up.
"Good morning baby," He said as he kissed my forehead.
He told me to get ready because they were gonna be over soon. I got my clothes and went to the bathroom. After my shower I did my makeup. When I finally got out of the bathroom I see Punz finally getting really. He compliments me when I go to hug him. He kisses me... Omg?! Does this mean he actually likes me?!? I start freaking out internally but I kiss him back.


DUDE I JUST KISSED HER, I speedily text Sapnap even though I know he's probably the one driving.

YOU WHAT?! I see him respond back.

I kissed her..

Omg does this mean you guys are dating?

I don't know, I like her but i'm scared to ask her out.

Bruh man up and just do it.

I turn off my phone and just ignore him until he gets here.

I say out loud, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I jus-
She stops me mid sentence and says, "Everything is fine. I like you too."
I run up to her and hug her so tight. I never wanna let go. I wanna stay in this moment. I only let go because we both hear a knock at the door.
Sapnap and Dream must be here we both run to the door and open it to see them. Sapnap hugs me first and then Dream and they both walk in. They brought breakfast burritos! Ah I was so hungry. We passed out the burritos and then started eating.


"So how are you two love birds doing," Dream said looking at both Punz and I.
I choked on my burrito when he said that. I was confused because I hadn't told them anything which means Punz must have.
"Umm pretty good, I guess?" I say looking at Punz confused.
"Ahh sorry for making that awkward if I did," Dream said sound sincere.
"It's all good," Punz says chuckling.

We ignore the awkwardness and finished our breakfast. I show them off the rooms or if they wanted to sleep in the same room cause one had two beds. They chose the room with two beds. They were only staying two nights, so I think the room wasn't too bad. They had left at 5 in the morning so I assumed they wanted to take a nap. 

I had gotten a message from my friend asking if they wanted to hangout. I had to ask everyone if they were okay with going and that it was only a small get together. They surprisingly all said sure. I was kinda nervous about it cause there would be 3 girls and 3 boys. After I asked they all went too their rooms. Ahh I was nervous cause it was just back to me and Punz.

(516 words)

Nice to meet you| Punz x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now