Stream Day

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A/N sorry the chapters haven't been as active i've been busy with school but i will try and get it over with soon and try not to drag it out. Also do you guys want the ex to come back or no? <3

*time skip to friday*


Punz was finally gonna stream today. I didn't know what he was gonna be streaming today he didn't tell me, besides saying if he should do a drinking stream. But I think that a bunch of stuff got said on my stream that he was also gonna be announced.

When I was getting ready he came into the room with a pack of trulys. I looked at him questioning but not saying anything.

"We are switching Pummel Party Saturday too today. So I had to go to the shop and get some drinks."

I got a text from my friend asking if we could hangout since I hadn't seen her in forever. We were gonna meet up halfway at a café, since she was farther away. We were gonna meet up at noon which meant I had to leave at 11 ish. I made a plan in my head of everything we would do. I also made it so I got back before Punz did his drinking stream to make sure nothing would happen.

It was almost 11 and Punz was sitting at his setup. I went to go hug him wrapping my arms around him from the back.

"Bye bye honey. I love you!"

"Wait what?! Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna hangout with an old friend. I be back before your stream!"

"Oh okay bye. Love you too!"

Time Skip (To after lunch)

I was hanging out with my friend. And Punz kept texting me he misses me and be was being clingy. I mean I didn't hate it but dang.

*Time skip

My friend(Insert name if wanted) and I had been walking around the mall for a few hours. We got a few cute outfits and I got some decorations for the house. I honestly miss being able too do this, hang out with friends in my hometown. We continued to walk around for a bit going into different shops. We both got really tired and decided to both go home.

On my way home I got both me and Punz McDonalds. Since I was hungry and I know he would be hungry soon if not now.

When I finally got home I noticed Punz was already streaming, I put the food on the desk and hugged him while saying hi to stream. I decided to chill on bean bag, so I was out of frame.

He gave me a truly so I wouldn't feel as left out and went on with the stream. When he left the chat to get another drink or get water or something else I would be talking to chat and the group. Gumi, chat and I would all be flirting and the rest of the group would be so confused. Punz would also get jealous it was so cute though.

After hours of Punz streaming he decided to end it and get ready for bed. I was already in bed half asleep on my phone waiting for him to come in.

When he walked in he changed and got in bed facing away from me.

"Hey?! Is everything okay?" I asked him confused why he was facing away.

"Yeah everything is fine," He said in an upset tone.

"Hey sorry for not being with you as much today and everything that happened during the stream."

"It's fine" he said while turning around too me. He hugged my waist. I started to play with his hair and I felt his breathing slow down. I noticed he was asleep, I kissed his forehead and got comfy while still holding onto him. I stayed up for a bit thinking about stuff and shortly fell asleep.

(Word count 665)

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