Bye bye for now </3

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I had fallen asleep with my thoughts. I wiped the sleep out of my eye and tried to get up. With the feel of movement the arms around me quickly pulled me back down and mumbled something in their sleep. I was trapped with only one arm freed and I didn't want to wake the sleeping person.

I reached over to get my phone and barely got it reaching the cord. When I checked the time it was only 7:34 am. Why the heck did I wake up so early? When did I even go to bed. I fell asleep watching the movie and it looks like Punz changed it to the office so it would play overnight.

I doubt anyone in the house was up besides possibly Wilbur. He was the only one with a semi decent schedule. Well he barely got any sleep.

I sat in bed debating on going back to sleep as I had a flight in 13/14 hours. If I stayed up now I could possibly sleep on the plane and then be able too stream when Punz was asleep. As I thought of it my plan seemed smart. I wouldn't be tired as I slept on the plane and Punz would be asleep as he wouldn't be able to sleep on the plane.

I had stayed on my phone for 2 hours scrolling through tik tok and twitter and instagram. On tik tok I just saw people posting clips of everything all the streams and edits of the pictures. Twitter was just a lot of fan art and seeing my friends tweets. Instagram was just looking at my post and trying to respond to a lot of the comments.

I tried to stay active with my community and Punz's community to make up for the lack of him sometimes. But with me growing so fast with hanging out with everyone it got more and more difficult as there was more hate to deal with.

I got out of my thoughts and went back to tik tok. I didn't realize how long I was on my phone for until Punz starts stirring around. It was already 10:19 and Niki wanted to do something before I leave.

After a minute I finally get up too start getting ready. I brush my teeth and my hair before going too get changed. My outfit was a bit more simple or lazy today cause I didn't want to change for my flight.

 My outfit was a bit more simple or lazy today cause I didn't want to change for my flight

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I woke up Punz and wrote a note saying where I was gonna be for when he woke up. I grabbed my small backpack and left too Niki's room. Niki was finishing up her eyeliner when I came into her room.

"Niki Niki i'm here!"

"Y/nnn!! I love your outfit! Just let me finish my eyeliner then we can get going."

"okay i'll be sitting on tik tok."

I sat on my phone on Nikis bed while she sat on the floor in front of her mirror doing her makeup. I had sent Punz a bunch of tik toks and even reposted a few things. Not too long after Niki walks in front of me spinning around showing me her outfit. Her outfit was:

 Her outfit was:

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