Happy Birthday!

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Time skip


Punz and I had been on each other's streams and by ourselves. My birthday was in a couple of days and I was excited. I wasn't usually excited for my birthday but this year was kinda different. I had Punz and finally got to celebrate with my family. When I was with (ex name) he never wanted to leave the house or celebrate my birthday. Even during my 21st birthday he didn't want us to leave or anyone to come over. But for my 23rd birthday I was free?

Punz had said he had a few surprises for my birthday but wouldn't tell me even though it was a few days away. While talking too Punz his phone started buzzing. He dragged me out of bed and told me too quickly get dressed and put on shoes. I did this while he waited on his phone at the door.

I rushed down and Punz opened both of the doors (house and car). That was sweet of him. I wasn't use to this type of attention but he always did it, he was always so sweet and nice to me.

I kept asking him where we were going but he wouldn't tell me until I could see the airport in the distance.

"Are we going to the airport?!"


I roll my eyes and we just get closer and closer to the airport. What if he invited people over for my birthday!! I wonder who he would invite? I got caught up in my thoughts and Punz dragged me out of them by saying we are here.

It was the airport! Sapnap and Dream were waiting for us right there. I got out of the car and ran up to hug them. I haven't seen them in forever and I missed them.

Day of birthday

I woke up Punz so he could let me go from his arms. I ran out of the room to quickly wake up Sapnap and Dream. When I saw that they were somewhat up I decided to chose my outfit. I got into the shower washed my hair, body, and brushed my teeth. I was done so I dried off and changed. I did my usual makeup which was mascara, concealer, eyeliner, a little bit of eyeshadow, and blush.

when I finally got out of the bathroom I saw that Punz was still in bed on his phone.

"Punzzz you have to get up and ready we are leaving in 20 minutes!" I said in a whiny tone and shaking him a bit.

"Ughh i'll go shower and you can pick out my outfit." I nodded and he kissed my forehead on the way to the bathroom. I sat on the bed staring at the closet, I heard him start the water. I didn't know what I wanted him to wear and I didn't know what he wanted to wear.

Punz was almost done with his shower and I had finished picking out his outfit. I decided to keep it kinda simple.
Punz outfit:

 Punz outfit:

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Your Outfit:

Your Outfit:

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