A regular day...?

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A/n omg thank you guys for 19k reads that's a lot but anyways back to your regularly scheduled program.


I woke up in a room tucked under a blanket. I rubbed my eyes and decided to check my phone. It was 9:27 when I looked at it. I had a few notifications. One was a notification from Punz saying that this was the room we were staying in but he got up to get food for everyone and the only one home was george. How convenient...

I walked into the living room to see George sitting on the couch.

"Good morning!"

"Oh good morning y/n"

"Hey um I know things are kinda awkward for the both of us but would you wanna go to the park later and talk it all out?"

He smiled lightly and agreed to my deal.

Time Skip (cause lazy)

Punz and the others had gotten back and we ate breakfast and talked about what we would do and everything. I was happy everyone was here, it was a good birthday surprise.

Another time skip to talk with George

It was 1 pm and I hug Punz goodbye. He wasn't really questionable of why I was leaving. I grabbed Punz sweatshirt and went out the door to catch up to George, he was waiting at the end of the corridor.

We walked to a nearby park that we went to a lot when I last visited. Last time we were here the sun was setting and I was laughing at George for not being able too see it.

Punz POV

Y/n came to hug me and then grabbed a sweatshirt I had over my suitcase. I didn't mind her going to the place with George it was just how she's been acting recently.

"Hey, do you think Y/n has been acting weird?" I said talking to the boys who were on the couch one their phones.

"She's just being her normal self why what's up?" Dream said slightly looking up from his phone.

"She's just been a bit distanced and acting different then usual all since this trip started/in the airport."

"Did anything happen with her and George or any of you?" There was a hint of panic in my tone but not enough for them to pick up.

"They use to have a "thing", I use the term thing very lightly... She ended things with him when she first started talking to you. They went to talk to end everything so it wasn't awkward and made everyone else's trip miserable. It's nothing too worry about" Sapnap gave a reassuring smile.

It wasn't weird to be staying in a house with a dude your girlfriend use to have a "thing" with right? That isn't something that happens all the time but wouldn't she have told me instead of me hearing it from Sapnap?

Sapnap POV

He finally did it... He'd asked the question i've been dreading. I understand where he's coming from and Y/n wasn't helping either. Distancing herself from him and then acting all flirty flirt with George. Why wouldn't she tell him something at least?

I also may have over shared. But dream didn't stop me? Well I mean he didn't know enough to know when too stop me. Well I guess we just have to wait to see what Y/n and George say.


Me and George had spoken everything out. We agreed to go back to how it was before everything. I don't really know how George took it cause he seemed a little upset. When we walked down the corridor to his place he opened his door and went straight to his room and slammed the door.

I went and grabbed Punz's arm and brought him to our room leaving Dream and Sap in the main room confused. I had to explain everything to Punz who knew how that would go. I sat on the bed and Punz shortly did the same. I tackled him in a hug and soon and he sat.

I missed this...I missed him and me like this...

I melted into the touch of him. I feel him rubbing circles on my back. I felt his breathing calm down. Everything had get right well fro the most part.

"Hey Punz ?" I whispered into his neck quietly.

"What's up?"

"I'm sorry i've distanced myself and everything with Geor-" He put his finger on my mouth before I could finish my full sentence.

"Sapnap gave me a rough explanation it's alright. Just promise you'll never do it again?"

"Yeah I promise."

We stayed in our position for a bit him now rubbing random shapes into my back and me slightly falling asleep. I feel him lean back into the pillow and me still hung on to him. Too tired to move I fell asleep.

A/n I don't really like this so I might change it up a bit when I wake up!

Also thank you so much for 21k reads the first a/n was when I first started writing this chapter that's why it's a little late? But anyways goodnight/day and please drink some water if you can!

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