Not again...

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I woke up and Punz was just sitting up on the bed. He was on his phone I believe. My vision was still blurry from just waking up. When waking up, I started to look for my phone, it was weird cause I couldn't find it where I put it. I asked Punz and he showed me the phone. He was showing me messages from my ex on my phone. I was confused about the text I had blocked him?

I took my phone and looking through them. He had been sending messages since 2 am. It was weird because he was saying things like:
Where are you?
Who just answered your door?
Why'd you leave me for Punz?
Come back I miss you! I've changed!

It was a different number. This was not the best way to start of the morning. I looked at Punz and he looked upset and worried. A bunch of thoughts just went through my head and it felt like the room was spinning. Punz had noticed my actions and ran to get me water. At least he was considerate even though he probably was upset with me.

But it wasn't my fault. Was it? I blocked his number I did everything I could. We even moved! Why was he still doing this? Why can't he just move on. There's many other people out there. I mean maybe they might not like him for being like this.

I hid under my blanket giving back the phone too Punz. I felt bad for him having to be dragged into all of this drama. He was trying his best to comfort me. He didn't know what to do and how too approach it. I mean I don't blame him I wouldn't know how to either.

I felt Punz get up from the bed, I didn't try to ask where he was going. I just let him be, he was probably all stressed from this. I don't even know how long he has been up.

*Time skip by an hour*

The bedroom door had opened. I quickly turned around seeing Punz with a bag.

"what's in the bag?"

He pulled out donuts and my favorite drink,
"Here take this, you haven't eat all morning."

I took the food from him and started eating. He also had started eating. It was silence but you know that there was something bothering him. Should I bring it up?

"Hey i'm sorry I should've not have brought that on you. I don't know how he keeps texting me when I block his number. I-," I was stopped by him kissing me.

When he let go, "It's okay it's not your fault. He's just a weirdo."

It was nice to feel his touch. We decided we weren't gonna do much that day considering what had happened in the am. We picked out a few movies and decided we would have a movie marathon. There were some horror, funny, and Disney movies. Before starting the movies you went to the shops to get a few snacks. Punz said he would pay but he had already paid for breakfast so I rushed to the register and used my card before he got the chance to.

We didn't really go on our phones much today. Mainly because I had mine shut off because my ex was still finding ways to text me whether it was from social media or something else. But I noticed Punz told a picture of our hands.

 But I noticed Punz told a picture of our hands

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"Hey we should go out to the city and take pictures tomorrow"

He happily nodded his head saying yes and we continued to watch our movies and eat the snacks.

(Word count 623)

Nice to meet you| Punz x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now