beach buds

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Continuation of the last chapter

*Time Skip to an hour before leaving*


We've been here all day but it was starting to get dark and we were all hungry since we've just been eating snacks all day. They were tryna to figure out were too go and then what film we should watch after.

Punz looked bored so I pulled him up and started walking.

"Umm Guys will be right back?!" Punz said and then quickly turned too catch up to me.

"Where are you going?"

"I just wanted to go on a walk with you!" I say while grabbing his hand.


"Shut up! How has the beach been?"

"It was really fun but you didn't go in the water a lot and stayed close to niki!"

"I'm sorry but I haven't seen Niki so I wanted to hangout with her."

"How was the car ride here y/n?" he said bumping into me and smirking.

"The car ride was good. How was the car ride for you?" I looked him up and down.

"It was really good had a pretty girl fall asleep on my lap."

Blushing I said, "Must have been a fun ride..."

On the end of the path he kissed me. We sat there enjoying the sunset before we went back to the group to help pack up.

We walked back to the car after the day of fun. This time Sapnap let Punz and I  sit in the back so people weren't crowded in the middle.

I hadn't been on my phone all day and I open it to see it spammed with notifications. One was from my parents asking how I am/how the trip is. Another is my friends sending tik toks and the rest is social media. The social media in particular was Twitter...

I looked through my timeline and then I got through the notification center...

Dream had posted a picture of me and Punz sleeping in the car from earlier. I reach over the seat and hit dream, not hard but enough to make him question.

"Y/N!? What the hell was that for?"

"You posted a picture of me and Punz sleeping!"

"I'm sorry I thought you guys looked cute! Even Nik-..." He couldn't really use Niki as a defense because she was sleeping.

"Oh..Well nothing bad happened! Y/n and Punz were trending for a bit and then meetup?? was also trending for some reason."

"Ugh it's alright I guess."

I sat back in the seat. I cuddled more into Punz who was chilling on his phone on tik tok. After a bit he gave me on of his headphones so we both could listen to them together. His fyp was very different compared to mine though. A lot of mine was clips of him or me and then a bunch of other stuff. But his was just I don't even know how to describe it.

He was scrolling for a bit until he realized I had fallen asleep on him. He moved into a more comfortable position for the both of us and grabbed one of the blankets that were next to him. He put it over the both of us and then put on a chill playlist. Punz never fell asleep though he was just looking outside at the window at all the scenery.

*A little Time skip*

Punz Pov

We were close to the house and Y/n was still asleep. Wil had told me to order the pizza now so we could just drop off all the stuff and then two of us would go pick it all up. Clearly Y/n and Niki wouldn't be the two as they were still asleep.

We ordered a (favorite pizza) and then (another pizza). We pulled up to the house and I lifted up Y/n and got out of the car. I went to the room Wilbur had told me to go to, which I noticed was Nikis room. Shortly Wilbur came in with Niki and laid her down next to y/n. Everyone else decided they were gonna shower and get ready for the film. Which left me and Wil to go pick up the food.

The pizza place was only a few blocks over about a 7 ish minute walk. We left as soon as Wilbur finished what ever he was doing.

*Time Skip too getting ready for film*


I wake up next to Niki. Trying not too wake he I look for my phone. I found it on the bedside table charging. It was already 7:48. I had been sleeping for over an hour. I jump out of the bed and walk to the main room seeing as everyone was in there watching harry potter.

I sneak over to Punz and wrap my arms around his neck and lay my chin on the top of his head. He was a little startled at first but shortly melted into my touch. I kissed the top of his head. From the corner of my eye I see George looking over at us. He looked upset for a second but shook it off and went back to watching the movie.

"Hey Y/n there's some pizza on the counter for you and Niki if she's awake" he whispered quietly into my ear.

I nod my head and started walking over to the pizza. I grab a plate for Niki and wake her up for it knowing she's probably hungry. I went back to the main room grab my pizza and went to sit in between punz's legs on the floor. He was playing with my hair the whole time.

After the first harry potter movie they decided to watch the incredibles. After that it was around 10 ish. Dream and Wilbur were already starting to fall asleep so they decided to go to their rooms and shortly after me and Punz went to our room.

As soon as the door was closed Punz grabbed on too my waist and pulled me into a hug.

"what do you want Punzie?" i say while laughing at his behavior.

"I just want attention and cuddles from you!"

He starts kissing me all over my face and neck.
I grab his head and make him focus on me. Looking at me confused, while I keep switching from his eyes to his lips. After a second I kiss him. He pulled me on too the bed....

(Word count 1088)
A/n This chapter at the end could go however you want, well kinda.
Sorry I haven't been posting as much kinda regret doing this cause I didn't go in with a plan now i'm just stuck. But if I do another one I will go in with a plan and have it almost finished before posting!!

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