The Picture

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A/N ay we've got the dance

Punz POV

When Y/n and I were laying on the blanket it started to rain. She was already falling asleep so I decided to give her a piggy back ride to the car. I felt bad if I had to wake her so I gentle laid her in the back seat of the car so she could lay down if wanted. I put the stuff in the trunk of the car.

I had kinda forgotten the way she got here. I had our apartment complex on the address and I kinda got lost a fews times. It definitely took longer to get back then it did too get there.

I left our stuff in the trunk and picked up Y/n. Instead of picking her up bridal style she wrapped her legs around my waist and wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I couldn't tell if she was up and just making me carry her or she was half asleep. Her breathing felt slow against my neck.

I got up to our apartment and set her down in bed. I took of some what of her makeup and tucked her in. I got ready for bed also but I couldn't sleep. I decided to post one of the pictures I took of me and Y/n on twitter. I heard a ding from Y/n's phone. Aww she has notifications on for me. I was looking at the comments and there were a few rude comments. Why the heck do people have to be like this it's annoying.
I tried to ignore and just go to sleep and deal with it in the morning.

It was now 3 am. I still haven't been able too sleep so I decided to stream. It was gonna be a chill speedrun stream just like usual. When I started steam tweeted it out chat was spamming. I knew chat wouldn't be weird or mean like people we're being on twitter (yk cause twitter is twitter). It was honestly a good stream and chat was spamming the cozy emote which made me happy. I lost track of time and when I checked the time it was already 8 am.


Time skip- Morning

When I woke up I had noticed my phone blowing up by notifications, I put it on do not disturb and noticed I was in bed. I don't remember falling asleep and I don't remember getting home. I wonder if Punz had driven home. Oh no I'll feel bad if he did.

I heard yelling from the room over so I assumed Punz was streaming and I didn't wanna interrupt it. I finally went on my phone to confirm he was streaming. I went on twitter to see what was blowing up.
Punz🐝 @PunzOP

<3 @(your user)💬      42k            🔁       28k           🤍 69k

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<3 @(your user)
💬 42k 🔁 28k 🤍 69k

User1 @User11
Omgggg yayyyy! Punz and y/n content!!

User2 @User22
You guys are so cute together 🥰

User3 @User33
I want a relationship like this 😔

User6 @User69
Punz is too good for her 😃✋

There were a few people who were hating. I mean what could I do? There were gonna be haters no matter what I do. It's all the 13 years olds thinking they have a chance with their favorite creator. I've seen it happen with other people. I spent the whole time reading the dms that I got even though I told myself I wouldn't.

After reading some I felt myself start to cry a little. I put my phone on silence and then put it down. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and make it look like I haven't been crying. I got back into bed and turned on (favorite show).

Punz POV

I look at the time it was already 8:29. I wonder if Y/n was up. I decided to end my stream a minute later to go check up on Y/n. When I opened the door her eyes were puffy and her face looked reddish. I don't think she's noticed I walked in yet.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

Was I supposed to answer this question? Does she know that I know about the hate she's getting? Was it my fault cause I posted the picture?

"I know about the hate you've been getting. Don't listen to those people. They're just people who have no life or want to bring people down. I love you and that's all that matters."


I know he meant what he said but part of me still cares what they say. I knew that the whole hate comments are so stupid and dumb. But why do I let it affect me? They get into your head and say all these things but why do they do it. Just cause they're jealous? I have Punz the one they're "obsessed" or have a crush on him and i'm the one who is actually dating him.

"I love you too" I looked up and smiled at him.

His eyes sparkled in the sun that was starting to come up in the window. Who knew a pair of eyes could give you so much reassurance or make you feel so safe.

(Word count 885)

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