An Idea

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A/N so sorry i've been inactive kinda. i've been busy with school and just been kinda bleh. but i hope you guys have a good day or night and drink some water :)

Punz POV

Time skip a few days

It's almost Y/N's birthday. She didn't really announce her birthday like some people do. Maybe I should do a surprise party. Go to her parents house bring a few of her friends and have a small party. What if I invited Sapnap and Dream, I know she was super close to them. But they're far and it's a kinda short notice. I mean it's a 2 week notice about.

I should just ask her sister they seem to be close and would know what y/n likes better than me. The only question is how I would talk to her sister without y/n knowing. What if we just go over to her parents and I could get a chance to talk to her. Just as I was thinking of things to I could do y/n walks into the room.

"Hey! Whatcha doing?" She walked in and sat next to me on the couch.

"Just caught in thoughts,"  As I said that she gave me a worried look. I quickly panicked "Ah no don't worry about it! Are you okay?"

"Yeah? I guess I am, you just seemed upset or stressed about something. And I kinda thought I did something wrong and I felt bad." She seemed sort of upset about my action.

Worried I quickly pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged me tightly. Something must have bothered her before she came into the room. Would she do this if something wasn't wrong?

We stayed there for a bit and I noticed she was asleep. I was kinda stuck on the coach. I kissed her forehead and told her goodnight.

I felt bad for y/n she was getting hate on twitter and than she has her ex being a weirdo. She's overwhelmed and it isn't good for her with anxiety. I felt bad cause I caused some of it. She was getting hate on twitter cause of me. Her ex was going after her more and more cause she was with me. All of this stress was because of me.

She started stirring around in my lap. She had been having trouble sleeping recently so I didn't want to wake her. I had been playing with her hair, it was soft and pretty, she has (your hair colour).

Time skip

When Y/n woke up she asked if I wanted to go to her parents house for the weekend. They were asking for her to come back since they haven't seen her in forever and now that she's closer they wanna see her more.

When she was still half asleep I made her dinner. I knew that once she ate she would probably go to the bedroom and sleep. I wasn't that tired though so maybe I'll stream.

Time skip

Y/N was asleep so I decided to go to my room and do a stream. I decided to do a chill speedrun stream because it was late and chat usually likes to fall asleep to it. Also during this time chat is usually easier to read or spamming the cozy emote. After about an hour of speedrunning y/n walked into the room. I had my camera on so she was barely out of frame.

"baby why aren't you in bed? I miss your cuddles." She rubbing her eyes still half asleep.

I quickly muted my mic and got up to hug her.
"I'm streaming luv."

She looked at me wide eyed obviously awake now. "You're kidding! Did they just hear me say that?"

"It was a lil quiet but i'm pretty sure they did. They were all spamming aww when I got up." She felt bad I could tell but it wasn't her fault, I should've told her I was streaming or something.

"Just got back to bed and i'll be there in an hour or so is that okay?"

"Yeah I guess. Could I take one of your sweatshirts then?"

"Of course you can" I said while slightly laughing.

She left the room and I went back to stream. The chat was confused on what happened, why I left so quick, is everything okay, and they were also spamming aww because of what y/n had said/asked.

"Sorry about that chat, Y/n came in asking for umm what most of you guys heard."

TTS Donation
$5  (your username)
Sorry for thatt but hi chat!!

"Y/n you didn't have to do that! You know you could always come into here right and talk to chat?"

A few minutes later

"Hi chattt!" Y/n said barging into the room.

Chat was spamming hi and some of my sub emotes. We didn't have another chair and I didn't want her to sit on the floor so I let her sit on my lap. Which also let her read chat easier. I continued on with speedrunning and she continued to answer donations and talk to chat.

Time skip

I definitely streamed longer than what I planned on but y/n was even more tired than she was before. I'm surprised she is still up considering the fact she was sleeping just before this. I carried her to the room and tuck her in. I found it cute that she she was still in my jumper. It was a little bigger on her so she was able too just cuddle up inside it.

I read the time on my phone before putting it to charge and noticed that it was 3 am. My stream was about 6 ish hours long and y/n came in around 2 ish hours. I felt bad but I noticed she fell asleep with her arms wrapped around me. I went on twittering too tell everyone goodnight and noticed me and y/n's ship name was trending. It was a bit funny because everyone was freaking out and posting clips and edits of us. I saved and liked a fews then put my phone down to sleep. I wrapped Y/n in a hug and shortly fell asleep.

(Word count 1058)

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