Cuddled up

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We finally started watching the Disney movie. I didn't know who was awake and who was asleep. I felt Punz start playing with my hair. I shortly fell asleep.

Punz POV

I think after I started playing with her hair she fell asleep, I felt her breathing slow down, I think the others were either half asleep or just watching the movie. I hear Sapnap giggle and my phone dings (twitter notifications are on for him). I look at it and it's a picture of me and y/n with the caption look at the lovebirds. I look at him and roll my eyes.

Time Skip

The movie was over and Y/N was still sleeping on me I didn't wanna wake her so I picked her up and her friends offered to drive us home since it was raining. Dream got one of the girls number and same with Sapnap. While in the car had to buckle her in car and keep her safe.

She mumbled "hmm?"
She was half asleep and rubbing her eyes but we were soon at her house. She wasn't fully awake so I just gave her a piggyback to the door and she unlocked it. I went in and set her on her bed. Dream and Sap both went to their rooms. I locked the doors and shut off all the lights and went back to her room. I sit in the bed checking my phone for a little bit and then I get up to take a shower but I feel something grab my hand and pulling me back down.

"Don't leaveee!" she said it a sad voice.
"I have to go showerr though.."
"Ugh fine just come cuddle when all donee."

I was a little confused because I wasn't use to her being like this. All cuddly? Maybe because we actually confirmed it know she's like this?? I ignored it and just went to the bathroom for my shower. After I took my shower got all dried off and started to put on my clothes then there was a knock on the door...

I answer the door. It was a tall man who was just a tad bit taller than me. Sapnap and Dream look at me from their room.

(381 words)

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