The Guitarist 

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Time skip to Wednesday

Finally meeting Niki and Wil


It was finally the day!! I get to meet Niki and I guess see Wil...
I put on a cute outfit:

I was so happy and the boys could tell the whole way there

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I was so happy and the boys could tell the whole way there. I was bouncing around in my own seat in the car. Dream was on aux and I was happy cause me and him had similar taste to me.

I was texting Niki on our way there, giving her times of when we will be there. Punz was holding my hand the whole time trying to calm me down. I mean at least he made an effort right? There was no way he was calming me down especially after we got a coffee.

They all had tried to convince me not to get a coffee cause "I already had to much energy". I ignored them and got my coffee though :)
I had also got niki a cotton candy frappé and wil a hot chocolate since we will be there in abouttt...

5 minutes !!

Omg we're so close. Soon i'll be able too hug my friends I haven't seen in forever. I was staring out the window and I see that we make it into apartments/houses.

(In this niki and wil live with each other and a few others but the others are out while you're all here!)

We are coming up to a house that looks like the house wilbur has sent me. I've never been to his house but if this is it, it's so pretty. I just know the inside is gonna be pretty, and aesthetically pleasing, because of everyone's style who lives there.

I got out of my daydream by Punz grabbing my hand.

"Come on let's go you were all excited earlier!"

I look up to see George ringing the doorbell. I couldn't see who opened it exactly. As I start coming up to the door Niki comes and runs up to hug me. Wilbur shortly following after.

It was a group hug with just me, niki and wilbur until the others had joined in on the hug.

When we broke off we all went into to go hug wil and niki separately but I dragged Niki away so the boys didn't bother her. She grabbed my hand and took me too her room.

It was so pretty and comforting. Also Zukooo, the cat was so friendly to me shocking since I was someone new. When setting my bag down the cat tried to get into it. I picked up my bag and looked inside for anything the cat might want. I remembered the gifts!

I pulled out the toy and tossed it to Zuko. I then took out the gift bag and handed it to Niki and she looked at me confused.

"Open it!!"

"Y/n you know you didn't have to get me anything?!"

"It's just a little something!"

She opened it and saw the jumper and hugged me and thanked me. She took off the one she was wearing and put the new one on. It suited her so well.

Nice to meet you| Punz x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now