for me?

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Punz POV

I woke up too Y/N trying to drag my out of bed. When I actually fully wake up I realize i'm holding a pillow and Y/N is already all dressed.
"What why?"
"Come on it's already 11, I have some stuff planned today. So you need too get up and readyyy."

I finally get up, go to get clothes and shower. After my shower and when i'm fully dress y/n fixes my hair cause it's really long. I grab my wallet and she pulls my hand till we are out the door and on our way too wherever we were going. She wouldn't tell me cause it's a "surprise".
She took me too a park. She got a blanket and basket from her trunk. She wanted to go on a picnic. I grabbed the basket and her hand and we walked too a place in the park by the water. She had told me about this place a few times and it was her favorite place to go to. She laid down the blanket while I got out the stuff in the basket. She had a sandwiches, fruit, and cake (like that new tik tok trend).

We had an amazing time at the park and looking at the view. There were a few ducks that came up to us. She pulled out a few pieces of bread to feed them.
An hour passed by... Me and Y/N started to pack up and go back to her car. There was a man walking by. Same man from last night, who tried to talk to Y/N. I pulled her closer to me and rushed her into the car and locked it as quick as possible. Even though she was a bit confused. She drove us back to her house.

"Why did you want to get out of there quick?" She asked me. I didn't really wanna tell her I saw the same man from the previous night.
"No specific reason" I answered back quick.


I ignored him cause he was being weird. When we finally get home Dream and Sapnap were making themselves food. We said good afternoon to them. They had just woken up not too long ago. I got a message saying that there was a fair tonight. I thought that would honestly be pretty fun and get everyone's minds off of things.

They all said sure because why not it's a fair and fairs are fun. We decided we would go at 7 pm. Which would me we would have to leave at 6:30 ish.
We decided to go our separate ways for now. Sapnap was going to be streaming CSGO with Punz. Since Sapnap didn't have his setup with him. They decided that Sapnap was going to be using Punz's setup and Punz was going too use mine. I was planning on just relaxing or on my phone and I think Dream was just watching T.V.

(word count 532)

(A/N i have been busy with school but i'll try to get this story out as much as possible. But thank you for all the reads and everything)

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