I'll miss you

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We had spent all day yesterday binge watching (favorite show). It was honestly fun to watch with everyone especially since they love the show too. I got a little upset because everyone was leaving tomorrow. I had gotten kinda use too them being here especially Punz. It was definitely gonna be lonely without them but they all have things to do.

We got breakfast from a café. It was honestly fun but they all had too leave at 1 ish and it was already 11. Sapnap and Dream came in together and they were going back together. Punz drove which meant they all had a long drive to do. Dream and Sapnap were both going to florida together which was like a 5 hour drive from where I was. We didn't really have anything planned for this day because they were leaving mid day.

We walk back to my house from the café which wasn't a long walk. When we got back into the house Dream and Sapnap went back to their room and Punz and I went into mine. While Punz was packing I was just on my phone sitting on the bed. I noticed that he set aside a few sweatshirts/shirts and packed everything else. When he was done he handed the clothes to me.

"Take these. We won't be able to see each other for a bit I feel like so these will remind you of me." He said with a tone that sounded like he was on the verge of tears. I mean it would make sense because we don't know when the next time we'll see each other is.

"Thank you! We will see each other as soon as possible." I said trying not too cry because of him.

We had talked about him moving in with me but I kinda wanted to move back to Canada to be closer to my family. I didn't really tell him that plan.

Time Skip

Punz, Dream, and Sapnap had all left and I was now alone laying on my bed. I told Punz to text me when he made it back and then same with Sapnap.

Time Skip


Punz <3

Punz <3
Hey! I made it back home safely.
Hope we can meet up again super
soon. I'll miss you!

I'm glad you did! I'll miss you
*read 4:29*

Dang it kinda hurt being left on read from it. Maybe I shouldn't over think it? Maybe he just got busy or decided to take a nap. That was probably honestly the reason because of the long drive back. I decided to stream because I didn't stream the much when everyone was over.

I put on my stream makeup and changed clothes.
"Hi chat!! I've missed you guys so much!"
I read out some donos that were just asking,
Where everyone else was?
Are Dream, Sapnap, and Punz still with you??
When will you be meeting up again? 

I had to break it to them that they all left and that it was just gonna be me today. A few of the people left but more stayed then what I thought would. I decided to do speedruns because I didn't really have anything else planned.

In the middle of one of my speedruns I was doing better than expected and when I look over at chat I see that everyone is spamming, hi punz! and KEKW punz (you should download bttv if you don't have it already). I couldn't see what he typed in chat. I was in the nether at 15 minutes which was good for me, but I sadly i fell into a one block hole and died. All I see Punz type in chat is L you suck.
"Thanks for the love Punz..." I say half laughing but still upset from my run.

Punz donated $20
Sorry for being a bully in chat

"Punzzzz noo!" I say dragging out the z and o. "I'll send you back the money after stream."

Punz donated $5
keep the money you deserve it!!

"Ah no stop it Punz!" I say when I get a discord notification. It's from Punz and he's calling me. "Punz you got to stop donating all this money. I'll send it back after stream."

"I'll stop but don't send it back. Just get yourself food or something." He said.

I continued on with my stream and speed run while Punz just chilled in the call given me some tips and laughing at me once and a while. It was starting to get late so I decided to end stream and order some food. There wasn't really anything open but of course McDonald's is open so I decided to get nuggets and fries from there. When I got my food I look over too see Punz still in the call with his face cam on. I turn mine on while not realizing i was still staring at him. He looks up and laughs.

"What's up," he says with a chuckle.

"Ahh nothing just thinking about a bunch of stuff." I say. Maybe I should tell him about moving to Canada?

"What are ya thinking about?" he says looking up at me.

"Umm... You know how we talked about you moving here? I've been thinking about it and I think I may move back to Canada to be closer to family and friends yk?" I was kinda worried about his response to this.

"I'm down too move somewhere else. I'll get too meet your family and friends to! Before we leave you can meet my family." He said looking, happy?

"You sure?! You actually would want to do that?" I knew he said he always wanted to travel and go places but I didn't think he would want to do that.

"I mean it would be a bit of an adjustment but it would be a cool adjustment. But also you never told me you were from Canada?"

" Oh um my dad is from Canada and my mum is from here. I was born here but then grew up there. It never really got brought up so I don't talk about it."

"You should've it's cool to know more about you."
He says looking up at the camera. I smile back at him and then facetimed him. We decided to sleep call because we were use to each other's company.

Word count 1077

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