Lost in your eyes

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A/n pummel party last night 😭


When I woke up Punz was no longer there. I heard the shower was going so I assumed he was in there getting ready. While he was in the bathroom I was on my phone searching for places we could go to. I found this really cute spot. It was a Lake in the middle of a forest/field looking thing (kinda like how it is if you're in a park with a lake in the middle).

The park reminded me of the one from home. I thought it would be fun if we had a picnic like that one time. While he was still in the shower I quickly put on my shoes and went too the market down the street for some snacks like sandwiches or chips.

When I got back to the apartment Punz was looking around for me.

"Where the heck were you?!"

"I just went to the market to get food. Put on this outfit and then let's go somewhere!" I said pointing to an outfit that went good with mine.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. After I put on some concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and some lip gloss.

^Imagine this as the outfits

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^Imagine this as the outfits

Ahh Punz looked so adorable. He never really dressed in clothes like this so i'm shocked he decided to wear it. He was usually so basic or wearing shorts. We have very different aesthetics it's funny.

We got in the car and drove to the lake. It was about a 30 minute drive from our place which wasn't too bad. I had to drive since Punz kept getting lost since he didn't know where anything is.

Time skip 30 minutes

We arrived at the park and started unpacking the car too go find a spot in the grass.

*In my head*
Ooo what if we stayed till sunset it would be so nice and a break from all the things that have happened in the past few days. I-

My thoughts were interrupted by Punz grabbing my hand. He dragged me over to this area that was right in front of the lake and would have the perfect view of the sunset. We set up the blanket and snacks to make it all pretty. I had got out my camera so I would be able too take pictures for the both of us.

I took a few pictures of the view and of the food. I also took a few pictures of Punz while he was paying attention. I looked back at them and I kept smiling and giggling.

"What are you giggling at?" He said slightly laughing with me.

"I'm giggling at you!" I said while hiding the camera.

This went on for a few hours and we got some decent pictures.

The sun was finally setting. This would be the perfect picture opportunity.  I set up the camera to where Punz wouldn't be able to see it but it could see us and I started playing some music. I dragged him off of the blanket and started to dance.

He was confused at first and then got what I was doing and started dancing along with me. It got to a slow song and I put my arms around his shoulders and he had his arms around my waist. When the song started to end we finally looked up into each other's eyes and kissed.

A/N pt.2
Hi this was a really bad chapter but hope you enjoy have a good night or day <3
(word count 607)

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