broken silence

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Punz POV

The silence was broken when I whispered,
"I love you and I won't let go until you're okay."

I didn't know what her reaction would be and I didn't wanna make it seem like i'm moving to fast. We both haven't said I love you yet... Well until I did right now. I remember her talking about her ex, the same person who came to her door that one night. He wasn't the best person to her. What if she regrets all of this? But she can't be she wouldn't be hugging me right?

I got so wrapped up in my thoughts until I heard her voice quietly say.
"I love you too"

I picked her up and gently set her in the bed. She got under the covers and pulled me into the bed with her. I got under the covers with her and she wrapped her self around me. Her arms were wrapped around my waist and she had a leg in between mine. We cuddled until she was asleep.

"Goodnight y/n," I whispered into her ear and kissed her forehead.


I woke up too the sunrise through the window. Punz was still asleep and cuddling me. I was some how still able to look at my phone and see that the time was only 5:53. No wonder why Punz wasn't up. I was trying to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. We said I love you? It was a little bit of a shock but it made me feel a little better.

I decided to just scroll through my phone and wait till he woke up. I watched tik toks but had it on a low volume so they wouldn't wake him up. I was on Punz side of tik tok which honestly wasn't mad about. There were a bunch of edits of him and him being cute. He would be teasing me if he found out.

He started to stir around holding me tighter/closer to him. I felt his breath against my neck. I play with his hair while he slowly woke up.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I said kinda whispering.

"Good morning baby," he said in his morning voice.

While he was waking up I decided to stream since we didn't really have anything planned to do today. My pc set up was in our room. I got up from Punzs arms to turn it on. I was just going to do a just chatting stream since I didn't have my other monitor fully connected.

I started up my stream.
"Hi chat how are we today!" I didn't yell cause it was still super early. I watched chat get super fast and it was barely readable. I turned on my face cam and moved it to where you aren't able to see Punz in the back.

I explained too them that we were only doing just chatting/ QNA stream. I hadn't streamed in a while and everyone was asking questions like
"Where were you?"
"Is Punz with you?"
"Are you guys dating?"
"Did you move?"

I did bring up to them the fact that I moved. I said that I moved too Canada to be closer with friends and family. I didn't really bring up anything with Punz cause we didn't confirm with chat besides "flirting" online or in comments/tweets.

"What are you doing honey?" Punz said walking to me. He put his arms around me and realize that I was streaming. "Oh shoot i'm sorry."

I was holding on to his arms so he wasn't able too leave. Chat was spamming aww and hi punz.

"It's alright. Come sit." I say while tapping on the chair next to me.

(Speaking to the chat)
Hey chat so you noticed that I was ignoring all the questions to do with Punz. But yes he is here he moved with me. *I hesitated to say the next part but it seemed like Punz knew what I was gonna say and shook his head letting me continue* Too answer all the questions about me and Punz dating, yes we are. Please respect both of our privacy.
(End of segment on speaking to chat)

It honestly seemed like relief to say all that. Everyone was all happy and cheery in the chat since we basically had the same chat. I mean there were a few a hate comments, probably from the people who thought they had a chance.

(Word count 759)

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