Lets goo!?

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Time skipp

It was the night before all of us went to London. I was nervous but excited to see George again. The boys kept on reassuring that it was okay and that i'll have a good time. I mean I didn't have a doubt that I wouldn't but what if it's awkward?

I kept going over if I had everything and then checked Punz because he always forgot something. It was only for a week and we were staying with George at his apartment. Me and Punz were sharing a room and then Dream and Sapnap were or Dream and George because you know dnf. Haha i'm joking possibly...

We decided to take two cars I was going with Sapnap and then Dream was going with Punz. I don't know why but Sapnap wanted to talk? about a few things. I didn't really question it and decided to go along with it.

We packed both cars and made our way to the airport. The airport was about 30 minutes away from my house. So not too long of a drive to be dealing with Sap. I was driving and it was my car so Sap decided to let me be the one playing music. I put on a playlist from niki.

Five minutes into the ride Sapnap had brought up a topic that i've been trying to ignore. I've been ignoring George for the most part. Before Punz, George and I were talking. I've known George for years and he had caught feelings and then with talking too him more I couldn't figure out if I liked him or just liked the attention. When I told him I started dating Punz he was shocked and confused. Especially since I had only known Punz for a few months.

He would always check in to see how I was or how the relationship was. Sapnap was the only one I really told but I wouldn't doubt if George told dream and sapnap, he was really close with them and have known them forever.

"Maybe I be able to talk to him and sort it all out?" I said in a questionable tone.

"Do you know if he still likes you? Has he tried to talk to you?"

"Yes of course he's tried talking to me. And no i'm not sure I would've assumed he told you if he did." Sapnap could tell I was stressed or worried about this.

"He hasn't really told us anything he's been kind of ignoring us besides talking about your birthday present and recording."

"Wait was this his idea?"

"In a way it was kind of Dreams? Dream's the one who bought the tickets and George is the one who said we could stay at his place. Dream brought up the idea so you could also see niki, wilbur and the children."

"To bad I won't be with them the whole entire trip"

From what I was told the plan was to see Niki and Wilbur on Wednesday and then Tommy and Tubbo on Friday. Then we would be leaving around Sunday night. It was sunday night already (7 pm). We were gonna get there in like like the early morning and be so jet lagged.

I don't wanna interact with George when i'm tired. We'd be getting there at around 1 in the morning ish (my math might be wrong on that I have no clue). I know all the boys were night owls and are basically only awake in the night and maybe some of the afternoon but still. George and I are probably the only ones with a semi good sleep schedule. Well especially George since he lives here and we all stay up to talk to him.

Sapnap and I stayed in an comfortable silence the rest of the way to the airport. When we got there we called Dream to see where they were parking so we could be near or next to them. We were able too get a spot a car over from them.

We were about an hour early and the airport was kinda packed. We had gone through TSA with no problem and had about 20 minutes left till our flight. Punz had know something was wrong because he kept asking if everything was alright. How the heck am I supposed to tell him we're going to go live with a person who used/still does possibly like me? for a week.

Punz only knew that i've met with george before but he doesn't know everything nor does he need too. Sapnap or Dream probably don't even know everything. We kept everything secret until our friends started asking us questions.

I was confused when Sap said it was kinda George's idea. I thought he would hate me after everything? or at least not invite Punz? like you know the Dream team plus y/n. Ah we had a group chat named that, we would talk in it every single day.

Our plane was called and we got into the plane. I decided to sit next to Dream while Punz sat next to Sapnap in the seat across from us. I could tell Punz felt off. I was practically ignoring him or avoiding him.

Punz POV

When boarding the plane I was in the back of our group. Y/n chose a spot and then Dream sat next to her. I was a little confused but Dream had said she wanted him to sit with her. I couldn't tell if she was upset with me or just a little stressed. She was ignoring me practically the whole time. I trusted her and I trust Dream. I mean they've known each other for a long time.

During the flight Dream kept on whispering stuff to her and rubbing her arm? Y/n hadn't really said anything to me and kept saying fine when I asked her if she was okay. But right now she looked stressed or upset. Sapnap kept on saying she was alright and not too worry. But I loved her so part of me was gonna be worried even if I didn't show it.


I was nervous and panicking and Dream kept comforting me. But shortly I fell asleep listening to some music from dreams phone (we were sharing headphones).

I woke up to Dream shaking me awake. We were about too land. I took a peek out the window and all the lights were so pretty. It was all colorful and pretty.

The landing was smooth and we didn't really have any problems with trying to get out of the plane. We waited for baggage claim. I get a call from George. Little confused on why he called me but I picked up and he told me where he was. We got all our bags and made our ways to where he said he was. I was a bit ahead of the group and I feel arms grab me into a hug. I turned around it and saw that it was George I turned around and hugged him both laughing.

Punz was upset..I could just tell...

(Word count 1204)
A/n i'm on spring break now so I will update as much as I can. Also we got so many meetups and things woop woop! Okay bye I love y'all make sure to drink some water and eat some food if you can <3 !!
(Also this chapter might've been a little confusing i may change it a bit!)

 Also we got so many meetups and things woop woop! Okay bye I love y'all make sure to drink some water and eat some food if you can <3 !! (Also this chapter might've been a little confusing i may change it a bit!)

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