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Both me and Punz got in the car to go to my parents house. The whole time my sister was just asking him questions and we were all laughing the whole time too the house.

My mom unlocked the door and I brought my stuff to my room and Punz followed with. He was shocked at my room and all the different colours. It was a cozy vibe with a bunch of blankets, lights, paintings, and plants. It was already 2 so we decided to get some lunch bringing my sister along.

We went to (favorite restaurant) and it was so good. Especially the (favorite food). I get it all the time and it never gets old.

*Time skip to dinner time*

My parents called us down for dinner they had made lasagna which was soo good. They kept asking Punz how'd we meet and the basic relationship parent questions. We decided after dinner to watch a film. They made me chose it so I chose (favorite film). Half way into the film my parents fell asleep and it was just me, Punz, and my sister.

We decided to go out and get some ice cream at a nearby shop that we always use to go to. When there I got (favorite ice cream), Punz had gotten cookie dough, and my sister got birthday cake. We were walking down the street finishing our ice cream. It was cold outside so it was kinda dumb eating ice cream. But when we got home my parents were there but we found out that they had gone to their room. We all decided to part ways and go to our room. Punz decided to sleep with me because we were too lazy to set up the guest room and found it pointless cause we would be leaving in the morning.

Time skip

Punz POV

I woke up before y/n who looked so adorable wrapped up in all of her blankets. I also woke up with a cat cuddled on me. I forgot she had a cat because the cat was hiding most of the time I was here. Maybe she was just chilling in y/n's room. I decided not to wake up y/n yet and just go downstairs to make something coffee. Her dad was down there and was also already making coffee so he just asked if I wanted some. Ofc I said sure. He gave me two cups one for me and then one for y/n.

When I got back to her room I had to wake her up. I handed her the coffee. She looked at her phone and saw the time.

"We have to leave in an hour!" and then she ran to go get ready. I just decided to chill on my phone and look through twitter. I haven't streamed in awhile so I decided to plan for a stream on Friday which would give us time to set up the flat and have the pcs set up.
I yelled asking y/n if that would work and she yelled back saying yes being muffled from the shower.

I tweeted:
Big news/stream on Friday make sure to be there!

I hadn't streamed in a while so it's definitely gonna feel good to be back to streaming. I had to figure out what we were going to do though. After y/n was done with her shower I had to go shower.


I got out of the shower and put my hair up in a towel.  I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes and do my makeup. Punz ran into the bathroom right when I got out. Understandable when had to leave in like 35 ish minutes. I got dressed in some baggy jeans and a cute jumper. I remember the gift I got for my sister and decided to write a note for it and then leave it on her dresser cause she was still asleep.

For my makeup I decided to do only a little bit because we are gonna be moving stuff. I did concealer, some mascara, and some lip gloss. Just as I finish Punz was coming out of the bathroom. He quickly put his shirt on and then waited till I left the room to do everything else.

(word count 728)

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