Solve your own problems, girl

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I opened the door to the women's restroom. 

The red-haired  woman was standing in front of the mirror. She was refreshing her makeup.

Her clothes were strange, too revealing. She was wearing a short, low-cut dress, high-heeled boots, and fishnet tights. A short jacket was over her shoulders. I'd never seen anyone dress like this, and I thought that this woman probably worked as a prostitute.

" Excuse me..." I said to her. 

She stopped putting bright pink lipstick on her lips and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

" What do you want , girl ?"  She asked rudely to give me an unfriendly look.

" I need your help..." I said. " Could you give me your phone to call the police? Or please call the police yourself. I was kidnapped."

She put her lipstick away and turned to me.  She tilted her head to the side, looking me up and down. I could see the anxiety and wariness in her eyes. 

" Listen, ask someone else for help.  I'm working right now." She said, confirming my suspicions that she was a lady of the night. "I don't want trouble with cops or criminals. So don't involve me in this. " 

" But I..." I tried to protest, but the woman interrupted me.

"  I said no." she hissed angrily. " Solve your own problems, girl." 

She quickly left the room, leaving me completely confused. 

I didn't have a plan B. 

That was the last straw.  I felt my lips tremble, and tears welled up in my eyes. The emotions I had received during the day just gushed out of me.

I'm not used to this at all. All my life I have been surrounded by kind, caring people who have  treated me well. I could always turn to them for help. I knew I was safe. But now...

It seemed to me that the world was turned inside out and I was on the other side where there is no sunlight but only darkness and fear. 

Why do the people I turn to for help either turn out to be my kidnappers or just don't want to help me? 

I felt like a completely helpless little frightened girl who was in despair.

I'm an ordinary girl I'm not a superhero I don't know how to deal with such situations.

Damn, I want to go home to my dad and Jungkook. 

I sobbed, then went to the sink and turned on the faucet. 

For a few seconds, I stood and stared at the stream of water, trying to calm down. 

I slowly raised my head and looked in the mirror. I saw myself in the reflection, and I didn't like the way I looked.

I had a tear-stained face. There was desperation in my eyes.

I felt disgusted with my reflection.

I'm just a weakling. 

" Solve your own problems, girl." her words flashed through my mind again.

She's right. No one can help me. I have to get out of this on my own.

I leaned over the sink and washed my face. When the water touched my face, I felt a little better.

I straightened up and looked in the mirror again. Something changed in my eyes. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. 

I felt much calmer.  It's like I've found a foothold in my soul.

I won't wait for any more help.  I'll help myself. 

I began to think about what I should do next. 

High above the sink was a narrow rectangular window.

I could fit in there, but should I? Taehyung is right. There is nothing here but the forest and the road. I'll just die of cold, or some crazy driver will kill me.

So I have only one choice. I'll stay with Tae and wait for the right moment to escape. 

To be honest, Taehyung didn't scare me as much as he used to. He definitely wasn't going to kill me, but I was afraid for Jungkook. These two are not supposed to meet.

Suddenly, gunshots and shouts were heard from the hall.

I opened the door so that there was only a narrow crack. 

The waitress was lying on her back on the floor with her eyes open. A pool of blood was spreading beneath her.

The trucker and the red-haired woman sat with their heads in their hands. 

I looked at Taehyung. The guy was calmly finishing his french fries while five people stood with guns pointed at him. He acted as if nothing special had happened.

"Where's the girl?" one of the men asked, aiming for the guy's forehead. His voice was hoarse. 

" It's none of your business." Tae smiled and reached for his milkshake. 

 Hello my cute bunnies. 💞🐇💜 I'm sorry I'm late. 😔

My neighbors have been drilling the walls all week and I couldn't concentrate enough to write. 😒

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. ☺️ 💕 

I don't want Melody to be a cardboard character, so I try to develop her.  🤔

💕Please don't forget to vote and leave comments.💕

💖💜 I love you so much.💖💜

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