A long walk

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We were walking through our neighborhood.  Vader was running ahead. 

The sun was gradually sinking below the horizon. Its pink rays illuminated the walls of two-story houses.

" I have a suggestion." Emma said. "Let's go to the coffee shop. Today is Chloe's shift. She'll make us free coffee.

Chloe was the third friend in our group. But she wasn't with us all the time. Sometimes she and Emma would fight, and Chloe wouldn't talk to her for weeks. I hated that. I had to reconcile them, every time.  Otherwise, they made me choose which of them I wanted to be friends with. 

" Nope, too far to walk." I answered.

" Do you want to return home to your future boyfriend as soon as possible?" My friend asked and giggled.

I glared at Emma.

Is she going to tease me all the time now?

"Okay. Let's go to the coffee shop." said I reluctantly. " And stop calling Jungkook my future boyfriend. Nothing can ever happen between us." 

If she had known about Jungkook's dark past, she would have been horrified. She wouldn't want me to date a criminal.

" Are you kidding, Melody? Do you really have no idea?" my friend exclaimed. She stopped and stared at me. Vader had to stop, too. He turned and barked at us. " Jungkook gave you his jacket for a reason. This guy has a crush on you, I assure you. I saw the way he looked at you." 

" Maybe he likes you."I said." He was having a very nice conversation with you, and he didn't even notice me until I sneezed." 

Emma just doesn't know anything.  I think, Jeon doesn't have any romantic feelings for me. He's just grateful to me for helping him. If I hadn't stitched up his wound last night, he would have died.

" I'm sure he was deliberately flirting with me to get your attention, Melody. Guys do that sometimes. I know what I'm talking about." the girl said.

" I think you're wrong." I said flatly and went ahead. Emma followed me.

" Oh, Melody you're a great student, but you don't know anything about love. You do remember Eric, don't you? He was in love with you for many years until he moved to another city." 

" Um... we were just friends."I frowned.

"He gave you Valentines cards every year and followed you around and..." 

"So what? It doesn't mean anything." I interrupted her.

"He even asked you to be his girlfriend."

My memories were different. Emma got it all wrong as always. I was beginning to boil.

" He asked me to date him as a friend." I said and the girl looked at me like I was an idiot.

"No, Melody. It doesn't work like that. Boys don't offer to date for no reason." She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Jesus! I hope Jungkook isn't as slow as you are. Otherwise I'll have to bring you together."

" Oh no, don't even think about it."

" I don't understand why you're being so stubborn. You have a crush on him, too."

" I don't like him a bit." I protested, but there was a telltale blush on my cheeks.

Why can't I just say that I don't like Jungkook? Why am I always blushing and confused?

"Stop trying to deny it. You like a good-looking guy. So what's wrong with that? You're a normal girl, not a robot. There are other things in life besides studying and college admission. I just want you to be happy. It's not a crime to have a little fun." The girl said looking me straight in my eyes.

It took all my willpower to keep my mouth shut. I wanted to tell Emma everything. She was like a sister to me. I've known her for years. I felt terrible hiding the truth from her.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I looked away to the side. "Let's have some coffee, okay?"

Emma and I had approached the coffee shop. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and baking tickled my nose.

I could see all visitors through the huge windows.

My attention was drawn to a group of three guys, when we entered. They were sitting at a table in a corner of the room, talking quietly in Korean. One of them noticed that I was looking at him and turned in my direction. He looked me up and down. He was beautiful. He had aristocratic   facial features and dark, slightly curly hair. His dark eyes, with long black lashes, followed my every movement. It was like how a hungry animal looks at its prey. For some reason, the look in his eyes made my heart go cold. Suddenly I remembered the mysterious footsteps in my house. He winked at me and gave me a predatory smile seeing my confusion. A guy with mint-colored hair who looked older tugged at his friend's sleeve: "Taehyung... stop staring at her. " He spoke again in Korean and I didn't understand anything, of course. Taehyung still didn't take his eyes off me. He said something to his friend, also in Korean. His voice was velvety and low. The stranger gave me a slight nod, then turned away.

"Melody, come here," Emma called to me. She was already standing at the wide dark wood counter talking to Chloe. "Will you have hot chocolate with syrup as usual?"

"Well yeah," I said and walked over to the girls.


That's all I could write.  I'm still sick, sorry. 

I hope you enjoyed my new сhapter. Thank you to everyone for voting for my book and writing comments. Your support is very important to me. 

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