My kidnapping

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I just stared at Tae for a few seconds. Then I slammed the front door in his face without saying anything. I quickly locked it and backed away.

" Are you fucking kidding me?" I heard his indignant voice.

My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was gonna explode. My whole body was shaking. I could feel the adrenaline coursed through my veins. 

What does Taehyung want here?

I was thinking hard.

Jimin probably didn't keep his promise and told the other guys that Jungkook quit the organization.  He also told them that I know too much. And now Tae has come to kill us both. There's no other explanation.

My head was spinning with fear.

I need to pull myself together.

The front door had a narrow pane of frosted glass in the middle. I could see Taehyun's silhouette as if in a thick fog.

" Hey, doll. I know you're there. You'd better open this door..." The guy said threateningly. "...or I'll do it myself."

When I heard that, I knew I had to get out of here as soon as possible.

Maybe I can hide in the basement. That's where dad keeps his guns. No, that's a stupid idea. I don't know how to shoot and Taehyung is a professional killer. He can handle me in no time.

After a moment, I realized that if I hide somewhere in the house, he would find me sooner or later.

So I only have one way out.

"I'm counting to three," he said loudly.

I rushed to the back door. 

" One..." I heard his voice as I ran away.

" Two...."

I opened the back door and an icy wind blew in my face.

Damn. I should have taken my down jacket, but there's no time to go back.

" Three..." There was a shot and the sound of broken glass.

I ran outside and ran away from my house as fast as I could. I didn't look back, because I was afraid to see what he was chasing me. 

I couldn't hear anything but the pounding of my heart. 

*       *       * 

I ran a few blocks before I slowed to a walk and looked around. No one was in sight.

He didn't catch up with me or decided not to follow.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but then I remembered something important. 

Damn it! I must warn Chloe of the danger.

I called my friend and waited a long time for her to pick up the phone. I was getting nervous.

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