He stay with us

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My father asked Jungkook to leave us alone. The guy walked past me and gave me a strange glance. Soon as Jeon left the room and closed the door behind him, my dad turned to me.

" I hope this guy didn't hurt you." He asked peering sharply into my face.

Memories flashed into my head. I remembered everything that happened between me and Jungkook last night and this morning.

In fact, Jeon did nothing wrong to me. Except that he was always making stupid jokes at my expense which made me mad. He had no idea about personal space, as well.

Suddenly I remembered how dark and deep Jungkook's eyes were and how my heart beat when he was too close to me.

I shook my head to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Well I can't tell my father about such things.

" No, dad, not at all." I answered a few seconds later. " But you're asking for a reason, right?"

The parent sighed then sat down at the table.

" Melody Rose, sit down, please." He said, and motioned me to another chair. "That's gonna be a difficult conversation to have. "

My father was a very good-natured man, usually. But now his face was tense and severe. His heavy eyebrows rushed down together in a frown. His usually soft golden brown eyes were cold and hard.

For the first time in my life, I felt anxiously around him. He betrayed my trust and brought a criminal to our house and didn't even tell me about it. I felt cheated and very angry.

I sat across the table and pursed my lips.

" So..." My dad started to speak, but I interrupted him.

" Let's get right to the point, huh? " I said crossing my arms. " You know who is he, right?"

" Yes, I'm fully aware." He answered after a few seconds of silence. " I think you know that too."

" What's he doing in our house, dad?"

" It's difficult to explain."

"You can try..." My voice was cool. I was offended that he was hiding something from me.

" You shouldn't have found out about this at all." My father said irritably. " I have no idea why he told you everything. He signed a non-disclosure agreement."

Dad rubbed his tired eyes. He was up much earlier than usual. Jungkook and I must have woken him up.

" So you wanted to lie to me? " I asked, revolted.

" No... it... it's not that..."  he said. "Look, it's not my decision. This comes from the top, Melody."

"I don't understand why you do this. This is an FBI matter, isn't? "

" They already know about it." He spoke slowly choosing his words carefully. "It's complicated. He just has to stay here for a little while."

" No! The murderer can't stay in our house!" I exclaimed loudly and indignantly.

"Melody, calm down." My father said and took a deep breath. "He's not a maniac, he's a hit man."

"So he kills people to order? It's no big deal. I was starting to think he was a bad person. I'm glad we cleared that up." I said in a sarcastic tone.

" He no longer wants to be a criminal. He is cooperating with the investigation."

I paused for a moment then asked " Can't you give up this case?"

"I understand your apprehension, but you're perfectly safe. I swear." Dad assured me. "However, if you're afraid I can send you to your grandmother. You come back when it's over, okay?"

" I'm not afraid of him and I'm not going anywhere. He should be in jail not at our home." I exclaimed.

I lied. I was really afraid, not for myself, but for my father.  I didn't understand what was going on and no one wanted to tell me the truth. I felt a something terrible coming and I couldn't prevent it.

" I think we're done talking. I'm sorry I can't tell you more. Go to your room, please." Dad got up from the table and opened the door for me. I went out into the hall.

Jungkook stood with his arms folded and his back against the wall. He looked me up and down then he looked me straight in the eye. In the depths of his eyes was disappointment. He heard everything that my father and I were talking about.

" Now I need to talk to you. " My dad appealed to Jeon. " What makes you think to tell my girl confidential information is a great idea?

" Well, it's hard for me to say no to your daughter, sir. " said Jungkook, ambiguously then grinned impudently. I've never seen anyone speak so brazenly to my dad.

Apparently, this guy decided to enrage not only me but my father as well.

Jeon put his hands into the pockets of his black jeans and walked past my parent into the kitchen. Dad watched him go with murderous look.

"Are you still insisting that he stay?"  I asked raising an eyebrow. 

" Go to your room, Melody Rose." My father said. He made sure I went up the stairs. As soon as I was on the second floor, the kitchen door slammed. 

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