A firefight

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Author's note: This scene is a continuation of the chapter " Solve your own problems, girl".

It was the first time I'd seen these men, and I had no idea who they were. They certainly didn't look like cops. My sixth sense told me they were criminals.

My heart sank with fear. I stood very still, holding my breath. 

 Why do they need me? Could it be that they are also Medusa people? 

Taehyung looked around at the men, sipping a milkshake through a straw. He didn't seem to care about the fact that five guns were pointed at his head.

What the hell is he doing? Why is he acting like this? Is he crazy? They can shoot him at any time.  

I didn't like Taehyung, but if I had a choice, I'd rather stay with him. Even though he kidnapped me, he didn't give me a tranquilizer like the other kidnappers. 

" I'm not gonna play that game with you, shadow." said the bald man who was aiming straight at Tae's forehead. " Just give us the girl and we'll let you live." 

The guy stopped drinking his milkshake and laughed out loud. The men startled in surprise and tightened their grip on their guns.

Suddenly I realized why they still hadn't started shooting, even though there were five against one. They were much more afraid of him than he was of them. More precisely, Tae wasn't afraid at all. He felt very comfortable in this situation. 

The guy finally stopped laughing. 

"Are you threatening me? Are you serious?" He pushed the milkshake away from him and looked around at them.  A predatory smile appeared on his lips. There was a sparkle in his eyes. " A counter-offer." he said thoughtfully.  "I won't give you my doll, and I won't let you live, either." 

"He's bluffing," the bald man said to his accomplices. " No matter how dangerous the shadows are, even they can't survive a headshot." The gun touched Taehyung's forehead. The smile on the guy's face grew even wider. 

I felt my heart stop in my chest. Were they going to kill him now?

" I'm asking you one last time. Where's Melody Morgan?" The man asked, looking the guy straight in the eyes.

" So you accept my offer?" Tae smirked.

The man sighed heavily. 

" Search the place.But remember, the girl must be taken alive and unharmed." The man ordered his mates.  "And... I'm gonna kill that bastard." 

I may have developed Stockholm syndrome but I didn't want to fall into the hands of these strangers.

Maybe I can't choose to be kidnapped or not, but I can choose my kidnappers.

I've got to find some way to help him. But what should I do? 

The man's finger began to pull the trigger of the gun. I saw everything happening like in slow motion.

The only thing that came to my mind was to somehow distract the attention of these criminals.

I pushed the door open with both hands and shouted loudly." Hey, I'm here." 

Strangers turned and stared at me in surprise. 

The seconds were as slow as hours.

Tae  leaned sharply to the side.  He stuck a table knife into the man's neck. He probably hid it beforehand. 

Apparently he had a plan after all. I just didn't know about it. He didn't need my help. 

The guy took the gun from his opponent and froze for a split second. He noticed me.

Tae's eyes met mine. He looked at me in confusion. His lips parted slightly. 

When he realized what I was trying to do, the guy frowned. 

The door slammed against the jamb and began to close back.  

Taehyung shook his head and turned away from me. He pointed the gun at the back of one of the men's heads.

The door closed. Time returned to normal. Shots rang out. 

I jumped to the side and pressed my back against the wall. My heart was pounding. I pressed my hands to my chest, trying to calm myself. My legs got soft under me. I slid down the wall to the floor. 

The firefight was short. There were only a few shots, then silence. I've never heard such silence before. It was oppressive and gloomy. 

I had no idea who had survived the massacre.

Then there were quick footsteps. Someone was coming my way.

I think I've run out of courage. I cringed in fear and prayed that it was Taehyung. 

Dear God, let it be him... If someone else kidnaps me today, I'll go crazy.

The footsteps stopped just outside the door. 

I felt paralyzed. I couldn't breathe or move. I just listened intently. 

" Hey, doll, are you alive in there?" I heard a familiar voice. 

Hello my cute bunnies. 💜✨🐇✨💜 I'm sorry I'm late 😞

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. 😌 💕❤️

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