My memory

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Am I dreaming? Am I dead?

I couldn't understand what was happening to me. 

At first there was only darkness and then I heard soft music. The tune sounded vaguely familiar. I've definitely heard this music before. 

I turned around and I saw a girl about six years old. She was sitting on the porch steps, looking out at the road. She was wearing a cream-colored dress and a plastic crown. Next to the girl was a music box.

That little girl was me.

I remember that day. It was my birthday.

It was an august evening.  My guests had already gone home, but I was patiently waiting for the last, most special guest - my mother.

I was upset, but I was used to waiting for her. My mother didn't live with us permanently. She could be home for half a year and then disappear for a few months. As a child, it seemed to me that this is absolutely normal. I did not know there was some other life.

The front door opened. My dad came out on the porch. He crossed his arms and looked at me. 

" Hey, Melody, what are you doing here?" he asked. " I've been looking for you everywhere." 

" I'm waiting for my mom." I answered, still looking at the road.

He sighed heavily then sat down next to me. 

"You know, princess, I don't think she's coming today." A sad smile appeared on his face." Maybe you..."  

" She promised that she would come to my birthday party."  I said obstinately. 

" But your birthday party is over."  he said and moved closer to me. " By the way, we have half the cake left..." 

"Let's wait a little longer." I looked at him.

" Okay, we'll wait 10 minutes." Dad looked at his watch. " And then we'll go eat cake." 

I nodded. My parent took off my crown and ruffled my hair. 

We sat in silence for a while. The music was playing softly. I looked down at the music box. My mother gave it to me two months ago. I took it everywhere.

"  Emma told me that her mother always lives at home..." I said, finally breaking the silence. "Why is my mom never around?"

" I wish I could answer that." my father said softly. There was desperation in his voice. He was looking at the road. 

" Where do you think she is now?" I asked.

" I don't know." he said thoughtfully then turned to me. " It doesn't matter where she is. You have me, right? And I'll always be there for you." Dad leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

At that moment, I felt as if some thread in my soul had broken. 

" You know, I'm tired of waiting for her." I said, standing up. " Let's go inside and eat some cake. "

My father smiled and picked me up, and I put my arms around his neck. He carried me into the house. 

From that day on, I never waited for my mother again. It was for the best. She never came back to me.

Everything went dark again. The music began to fade, then disappeared.

*        *       * 

I opened my eyes and frowned.  I was dizzy. My mouth was dry and I was shaking a little. 

I was wearing a seat belt in the front seat of the car.

I turned my head and saw Taehyung sitting behind the wheel. I shivered and stared at him. 

My heart skipped a beat in my chest. I was gripped by fear. 

What the hell is going on? Why didn't he kill me? What does he want from me? 

Noticing that I was awake, the guy turned to me. 

" Oh, hi doll." Tae said and looked me up and down. His eyes twinkled cunningly. " To be honest, I thought you were going to die." 

Hello, my cute bunnies. 💖🐇💖🐇💖🐇I'm sorry I'm late.😭 And I'm sorry that the chapter is so short. 😭😭😭

The scene with Taehyung should be much longer. I've rewritten it several times but I don't like it. 😭This character turns out to be a complete psycho or a very boring guy. 😒I can't find a middle ground. I'm just a little tired, I guess. 

But I hope that you will like what I wrote. 💖

 💕❤️ Please don't forget to vote and leave comments.❤️ 💕

💜💜💜Thank you for always supporting me. I love you very much. 💜💜💜

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