Just one kiss a day

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"Jungkook, wait, hold on a second." I said as we stepped away from the door. I pulled the guy's arm and stopped. He turned to me and frowned. " I appreciate your concern, but I've already made up my mind. I'll tell the interrogator what I saw, anyway.  You can't change my mind. So let's buy some water and get back to the girls, okay? " 

" Oh well, that's your business." He looked me up and down. " You know what? Maybe I shouldn't be worried. I don't think you've seen more than Chloe. You didn't even know about the murder until Diaz told you." He grinned, put his hands in his pockets, and turned away from me. " Let's go get some water." He walked slowly down the corridor.

I was surprised at the sudden change in his behavior. I followed him. 

What does he mean? He seems to think I'm just a fool who talks in riddles just to get attention to myself. 

The thought made me angry. 

" Maybe I know who killed that man." I said defiantly.

" Oh really, Melody? " Jeon didn't even turn around. There was disbelief in his voice. " You don't know that. You weren't at the murder scene." 

I pursed my lips.

We started going down the stairs. He was in front. I took the stairs two at a time and put my hands on JK's shoulders. I was worried that we might be overheard. I leaned leaned close to his ear and whispered. " Their nicknames are V and Suga." Jungkook stopped. He listened carefully. " They were with that guy Jimin, so he's involved, too. You've worked with them before, right?"

Jeon turned to me. He was discouraged. I could see it  in his face.

"How do you know all this?" he asked quietly.

" Well... I didn't know for sure." I explained. " I just assumed it. But you've just confirmed my guess.  Now I'm sure they're killers." 

" Damn, You outsmarted me. I'm impressed."  he smiled faintly then his face darkened again. "But you can't tell the police that. You will be killed."

" Jungkook, I just have to do this. Don't you understand that?" I said. 

" That man who was killed was a criminal." JK took a step and we were on the same stair. " Trust me, he's not worth the risk. It's not your war!" He stared into my eyes.

" But, it's the right thing to do." I said, and Jungkook snorted. I had no idea why he wanted to protect me, but it filled my heart with warmth. On a sudden impulse I moved closer to the guy and took his beautiful face in my hands. He looked at me in confusion. " Look, don't you want the organization that took away your childhood to pay for it?" 

" You don't know much about my past. It's not their fault that I got into this organization. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung are just like me. We grew up together..."  He paused, then his hands slid around my waist and he held me close to his body. "Listen to me, Melody, my childhood is gone. It can't be fixed... But I don't want to lose you.  " 

" You won't lose me." I muttered. 

" So you promise?" He asked, leaning close to my face. I nodded. " If anything happens to you..." he said softly. "... who will I "watch movies" with?"  

 So that's why he needs me!

I was furious with him.

I stared at him a moment then pushed him away. The guy barely suppressed a laugh.

" You can do it with any other girl." I said coldly and started down the stairs. 

"Oh, come on Melody.  I'm just kidding." He said. " For your information, I'm just not interested in anybody else. I want to do it only with you. " 

" But I don't want that. " I exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry but I won't protect you for nothing. My services are expensive." He said. 

We were at the bottom of the stairs.

" I thought you'd protect me, in any case. " I stopped and turned to him.   

" I didn't say it would be free." He shrugged his shoulders.

I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but my curiosity got the better of me.

"Okay. And what do you want as payment?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

He paused for a moment, thinking.

" I want 5 kisses a day. " He said and a smile played on his lips. 

" What? No, no way! " 

" Nine then. The price is rising every second."  the guy said. 

" Well, this is too much! " I was seething.

" Okay, how much are you offering?" he asked in a businesslike tone.

" One will be enough." I said without thinking.

" Okay, it's a deal. " He agreed immediately. "Pleasure doing business with you." 

" Hey, wait. I disagree"  I exclaimed.

" It's too late. " he smirked and went forward.

Hi, everybody. I hope you enjoyed the new Chapter.

Well... I've done my business. Now I'll wait for the results. Thank you for not leaving me and supporting me all the time. You're all so sweet and kind. I don't deserve you, but  I'm so thankful I have you in my life.

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