I promised him...

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I stood in front of the bathroom door, undecided. I looked at my right hand. My fingers were stained with someone else's blood. I found it on the sofa upholstery, accidentally. Just where Jungkook had been a few minutes ago.

The water was rushing outside the door. The air smelled of antiseptics.

I had a lot on my mind.

If this strange guy was at the scene of the shooting and got into trouble, why did my father bring him here instead of to the hospital? Dad couldn't be so careless about a person's life. I'll never believe it. He probably doesn't know that Jeon may have been injured.

I felt very awkward, but I knew I had to do something.

Would it be weird if I knocked on the bathroom door now?

From the room there was a crash and I hammered on the door, immediately. I was scared.

" Hey,  are you all right? " I asked, concerned.

" Yes. Leave me alone." He answered me in a strangled voice. A second later, I heard the crash again. Something fell into the sink. Jeon swore.

" So open the damn door now! " I demanded, slamming my palm against the door several times.

Everything was obviously wrong. I was afraid for his health.

" I told you to go away! " He exclaimed indignantly.

" I saw blood on the couch. If you don't open the door, I'll call my father." I threatened.

Then noise of the water went quiet.

" Well, okay." He said and sighed loudly. " Will you promise to keep your mouth shut if I let you in?"

" I promise" I assured him.

The lock clicked and the door opened.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

There were medical supplies in the sink, along with bloodied bandages and a used band-aid. Jungkook's wet t-shirt was in the bath. Blood drained from the t-shirt, mixing with the water.

The guy met me naked to the waist. On his shoulder was a small but deep gash. It was bleeding slowly.

" Don't faint!" He said when he saw my shocked face.

" We should call an ambulance." I said, taking a step back.

The guy grabbed my wrist painfully and pulled me toward him. His face moved closer to mine.

" You promised to keep your mouth shut. You must keep your promises to me. You got that?" He hissed threateningly " It's just a scratch. Help me bandage it properly and I'll be fine." Jungkook said. I saw my own startled reflection in his dark brown eyes.

What the hell is wrong with him?

He was my age, but we were from two different worlds.

I was a typical schoolgirl and Jungkook was like an invulnerable warrior from the movie. He didn't seem at all concerned about the blood spurting from his shoulder. He was completely calm and confident.

" All right, I'll help you." I said, and his fingers released my wrist, giving me back my freedom.

I applied the tourniquet without wasting time. He had a gunshot wound, clearly. I've seen this before in medical textbooks. The bullet did not enter his body. It only grazed his skin, but the damage was serious enough.

" It's deep, you need stitches." I said, examining the wound.

" Are you kidding me? " Jeon looked at me with annoyance. " I told you no doctors, damn it."

" Oh, calm down! I'll stitch your wound." I chuckled.

" Can you do that?" He asked skeptically.

" Yes. I've done this before."

" Seriously?" He looked at me incredulously.

" Well, consider yourself lucky, because I want to be a doctor. I read a lot of books on this subject. I also work as a veterinarian's assistant. I have been allowed to stitch Pets several times."

" Have you ever stitched people up?"

" No. You'll be the first." I answered. "I think I can do this."

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