She set you up

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A policewoman was walking across the parking to her car. She was clutching a folder with a report and a voice recorder.  It had a conversation recording with a witness she just questioned. 

The officer stopped at her car and spent a long time searching for her keys in the pockets of her uniform. Finally, she found them and unlocked the doors.

Suddenly, the woman felt that someone was watching her. She looked around, but there was no one near her. She saw only her colleagues in the distance. None of them looked at her as they were busy with their work.

She's probably just nervous. Too many murders happened in these few days.  

She put the things in the backseat, then locked the doors again and walked away without looking back.

JK came out of his hiding place as soon as she was out of sight. 

The guy opened the car without any problems. 

Jungkook took the voice recorder and put it in the pocket of his down jacket. 

Then he opened the folder. Inside was not only the police report, but also some other documents and photos. There was also a sketch of Taehyung. Jungkook smirked at the image. Tae's nose in this picture was twice as wide than it actually was. Tae's nose in this picture was twice as wide as it is in reality.

The guy tucked the folder under his arm and was about to close the car door, but he noticed the police radio on the dashboard.

"It might come in handy", he thought. "Thanks to this thing, I'll know everything the police know. If Taehyung kills anyone again, they'll report it." 

Jungkook put the radio in his other pocket and slammed the car door.

" Did you find anything interesting?" Jimin's voice came from behind him.

Jeon turned to his friend and nodded. 

" Yep..." he said thoughtfully. " I think now we can find out almost  everything that happened here."

Guys walked slowly back to Emma's car. They walked along the edge of the road so that no one would notice them.

" The most important thing is not what happened here but what will happen next." Jimin said grimly. Then he took out something like a coin from his pocket and tossed it to Jungkook. " The cops found this on one of the dead men." 

JK frowned at the engraving on the metal. This emblem was familiar to him.

" Chimera..." Jeon said thoughtfully. 

" Right. There are 5 people from the Chimera clan in the body bags." Jimin confirmed. " And Tae killed them while protecting Teresa Van Gossen's daughter. So now we have a huge problem. "

" What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, glancing at his friend.

" Don't you really understand?" Jimin said. His voice remained calm, but it was obvious that he was nervous. " Your little game with Tae has gone too far." 

" I didn't start it, he did." JK objected. 

" It doesn't matter." Jimin replied firmly. " The hunt for this girl has already begun. Soon the council of our organization will know about what happened here.  What do you think they'll do when they find out that Teresa has a daughter and that Tae's protecting her now?" 

" Shadows remain neutral in the clan war." Jungkook objected. 

" Exactly, we never take sides. We're just hired killers,  nothing more. That's what our code says." Jimin said. " But now, thanks to you and Tae , everyone will think that Shadows are on the side of Teresa and Hydra clan. Do you understand how the council will react to this?" 

" I don't care about the code and the council. " JK smirked with contempt. " I quit the organization." 

" It's not just you anymore." Jimin exclaimed. " We're all going to be in big trouble because Tae shot these people. We're all likely to be eliminated. You, Taehyung, me, and Yoongi, because he was our team leader in this mission." 

" But it's the accident. " Jeon replied. " It's not your fault. It's only my business." 

" The council won't care. I'm sure they'll be furious that you and Taehyung are dragging them into the war." Jimin said and sighed. He stopped and scowled at his friend.  " Damn it, Jungkook!  How'd you get into this, huh?  I thought she was just a cop's daughter."  

JK stopped too. Emma's car was only a few meters away. He didn't want to continue this conversation in front of the girls.

Jeon hesitated for a moment. He didn't know if he should tell him the whole truth. But it seems he had no choice.  

" Teresa hired me to be Melody's bodyguard." Jungkook admitted. " We had a secret deal." 

" What? Are you out of your mind?" Jimin exclaimed and stared at JK. " What makes you think it's a good idea to work for her?" 

"  She promised me that she help me get my freedom." Jungkook replied. He was looking straight at  friend's face. 

" She set you up, Jungkook. Don't you understand?" Jimin said. " Soon, this girl will be hunted by half of the criminal world. Teresa's enemies will become your enemies. Everyone will know about you. After the whole Melody thing, you'll nowhere to hide. You'll have to work for Teresa for the rest of your life. You just swapped one cage for another. " 

" Well maybe it's not so bad." Jungkook shrugged. " At least I'll always be there for Melody." 

"I said you'd be working for Teresa, not hook up with her daughter." Jimin rolled his eyes. " Forget about that. You'd better choose another girl."

Jungkook felt insulted by these words. 

" I don't need another girl." Jeon hissed. His eyes were blazing with anger. " All I need is Melody."

" What the hell are you counting on?  Will you take her away from Taehyung, then you and she will get married and live happily ever after? That will never be. You know, we're at the bottom of the Mafia hierarchy, and your Melody is at the top. You need to see that you're not meant to be together. It's all just your dreams." Jimin reached out to touch Jungkook's shoulder, but his friend abruptly moved away from him. " Please don't be angry. I don't want to hurt you, I want to protect you. I'm really worried about you. " 

" Thank you for your help, hyun." JK replied. "But I know what to do. I'm not your little brother, okay?" 

" Well, you and guys are the only family I have. That's why I'm here." Jimin sighed. " Okay we don't have much time. I should call and warn Yoongi. And we need to finally find Taehyung before he kills someone else." 

Hello my cute bunnies.  🐇🐇💖🐇🐇

Sorry I haven't written for so long. I had a lot to do. 😔And I had absolutely no inspiration to write a continuation of the story. 😭

But don't worry, I won't stop writing this book. 😌✨

I hope you haven't forgotten about me and have been waiting for a new chapter. ☺️💕

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